chapter 75

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It's and my dad are taking my boxes out to the Escalade. Dustin is mapping out the way there. Or to simply out it, he's sitting on his phone in the living room..
"Ali." Blake says from the bed.
"Yea. I look over at him as I grab the box.
" Why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped. "
"I wanted to let you sleep, I'm not leaving for another 2 hours anyway. I have to put all if this in the Escalade, take a shower, then eat. "
"I love you. "
"I love you too but I'm not leaving yet. You still have me for two more hours. " I smile and exit the room. I will always miss this city period. Whether I am thinking about home or school or my friends and family. This city is where I will always come back to. I'll only be gone for four years. I'll be visiting between then. I just don't want my friends to be mad. What am I saying, of course they'll be mad. I all if a sudden disappear just for then ti hear that I left for college a month early. That's not even the problem, it's the fact that I didn't tell them.
"You ok? " Dad asks. He sets the box down I. The car and turn a to me. I set mine down also.
"I'm leaving in two hours for North Carolina. All of my friends think I'm going to UCLA. Especially after what mom did to make them reconsider. And they don't know anything about it. I'm lying ti them and its making me feel guilty. "
"There's nothing I can tell you to help this situation but I'd tell them. You should wait until after you leave though. Because if you tell them right before you leave, it'll just make you feel more guilty. "
"I'll call them when we're driving. "
"How long will I take for you to get there? "
"A day and a half. "
"Are you sure you don't want to fly? "
"I'm sure. That kinda made me sound crazy. " He chuckles.
"I'll be fine dad. I promise. "
"I just don't want you to leave. Your my babygirl. "
"You have Fernanda. "
"Yea but you were my first. Even when I was gone, I always thought about you. What you looked like. What you were doing. "
"I wondered about you two. After the countless boyfriends mom had. I thought she'd never settle down. Then you came back, she changed. I've never seen her this happy. "
"That's good right? "
'Yea that's good, "
"Ok. So. What the housing situation. "
"Me and Sierra will be roommates. We both talked to the administration and they said we could live off campus. So, we searched online for a house. Because I couldn't fly down, she did. Took a tour of the house with the realtor. She said it was perfect so I took her word for it. We will share all utilities. Her brother is driving her down there. I guess he's going ti help us with fixing the house around. "
"What do you mean, fixing the house around? "
"Like helping us move furniture and paint and stuff. " I waved my hand.
"Yea oh. Dustin is driving me there, unloading my boxes and skipping out. " I sigh.
"Look, we're fam, but if rather be sleeping. " Dustin says coming outside..
"Obviously." Me and dad say.
"How about you bring out the rest of the boxes. " Dad suggests. I smirk and run inside.
"Where you going?. "
"I have ti do something. " I yell as I run up the stairs. I open the door and run down the stairs almost falling. U totally forgot about my piano. I can't take it so I wanna play it one last time. I sit at it. I think for a moment but then I start to play.

"Wow. That was amazing. 'Blake days from the end of the stairs. Dustin hot on his heels.
" I just wanted to play one last time before I leave. I might buy a keyboard when I'm there but I'll still miss playing this one. "I look at them.
" It's not ti late to change your mind. "Dustin says.
" It kinds is. I half bought a house, payed for my tuition, my feet for volleyball, and all the other little things I need. Needles ti say I spend over 100 grand. By the way Blake, I'm still excited that you win the scholarship. "
"I still feel guilty. Someone other then me deserves it. "
"Oh get over it. If you feel that guilty just give it to someone who really needs it. "
"Like who? "
"What was that kids name? Jaxon! That Jaxon kid. He said that he got accepted to Harvard but his family couldn't pay for it. Give it ti home ad a gift. "
"Ok. That's a great idea. "
"Just do the right thing and give it to him Blake. He deserves it " We smile at each other.
"Well I've gotta take a shower. " I say and get up. They stand up and go to the game room.
"Okay then. " I mutter. I walk upstairs and get in the shower.

15 minutes later and I'm looking at my half empty closet searching for something comfortable ti drive in. I grab a random outfit like always. (Outfit above ⬆⬆⬆) I grab the clothes and put them on. I blow dry my hair and put on chapstick. I take out my contacts and put on my glasses. I look in the mirror. I look like I'm in sixth grade again. Good times. Sike. I hated sixth grade. That's when Amanda Spence thought she was all that. She poured milk I n my hair during lunch one time. That was the very first time I ever fought someone. I got suspended if course. Leslie was furious and mom didn't care. She was too busy with her boyfriend of the month. Oh well. His times have changed. By the way, my mind getting married in December. I have no idea why she wanted a winter wedding. I think it'll be fun though.
'Ali! It's time to go! "Dustin yells. My heart started ti race. It's nice it never. I grab my phone and purse. I take a deep breath and walk downstairs. My parents, my sisters Blake and Leslie all stand by the car. Dustin is by the door.
" You ready? "He asks. I nod. I first go ti my parents. I hug them both tightly. I hear a sniff.
" Mom ate you crying? "I ask.
" Yes. My baby girl is leaving me."
"Don't cry, it else I'm going ti cry. " I say already feel my eyes are watering. I hug them both tightly. Then I live in to my sisters. I crush then in a hug.
"We're gunna miss you. " Monica says. As they start crying.
"Please don't make me cry. " I say. They chuckle a bit. I let go and hug Leslie.
"I love you mija. Be safe. And if you ever need anything. Call me. " I nod. The years finally rushing down my face. Next I stand in front if Blake. He oils me in for a hug. I hug him like my life depends on it.
"I love you. " I cry.
"I love you too. I'll see you soon. Okay " I nod. I back away. I immediately go ti the car. I know if I don't get in it now, that I never will. I sit in the car just looking at everyone crying.
"I love you guys. I'll be back soon. " I say as Dustin gets in and starts the car. They all wave. I wave back.
"You ready? " Dustin asks softly. I look at him.
"Yes." I whisper. He backs out of the driveway and I look back at everyone. They are my family. I will always come back to them. My crazy family. He drives off as I look back at the place I call home. As I look back at the city that holds all the memories of.. My crazy life.


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