chapter 71

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Blake walks into the room. He stands with our dads. We have been in here arguing for nearly a hour. My dad looks uncomfortable and Ghana's dad look down right pissed.
"What are you doing here. " I say. Well try to say. I lost my voice because of all the yelling.
"I wanna talk to you alone. " Our dads walk out but Giana is reluctant.
"Get out Giana. "He Mutters. She stands up and walks out. I lick my lip and taste blood.
" Why the hell would you start something. "
"Why do you care? "
"Because the fact that my girlfriend is going half way across the country for the same reason that you are here for. "
"I don't even know if I started it. It was all a blur. " I say.
"All I seem was, you said something to her, then you both went at each other. What the hell did you say that set her of "
"Don't go blaming me for this. You have no idea what we were talking about. You don't know what she was saying to me. She wanted to talk to me to start shit. I don't know why the fuck you care! It had nothing to do with you so stay out of it! " I shouted out of anger.
"Fine! Then I'll talk to her to figure out what the fuck is going on between you two! "
"She won't tell you. "
"Oh yea? "
"Yea. You know why? Because she's a bitch and like to torment people. "
"Yea and you don't do the same? " He left me standing there with his question on repeat in my mind.
"He gave it to you good huh? " Giana said from the doorway. I looked at her. She had a smirk on her face but it dropped when she seen my face. A few tear had slipped down my cheek.
"Look. I'm sorry that Blake told you that. But I'm not sorry got anything else. "I scoff.
" I don't need your apology. I'm just tired of fighting with people. "
" I'm jealous. "
"Of what? "
"You." She mumbles.
"Why? You have everything I have. "
"I had to work for what I have. I worked so hard to get into Stanford. I had to work to be popular. And I had to work to be the cheerleader I am. "
"You don't think in had to work to get where I am? "
"Not really. I mean, yes but no. "
"I worked hard to get into UCLA, I worked hard to be the volleyball player I am. Then I threw it all away, and for what? For fighting. I fight people to much and that got what I worked for taken away. I didn't finish the season, I can't go to UCLA, now I have to leave my friends for college. So no, you shouldn't be jealous of me. I should be jealous of you. "
"Let's put this behind us. I'm sorry " She said. I looked up surprised. Then I composed myself.
"I'm sorry too. "
"Come on. Let's get cleaned up " We stood up  and walked out together.
"Holy shit. " My dad mutters. I ignore him and walk into the bathroom. I grab some paper towels as the door opens. Giana walks in with a first aid kit. I open it and start to clean my face.
"Blake was wrong. "She said out of nowhere.
" About what? "
"You,  that your a bitch and likes to torment people. "
"He's not wrong about me being a bitch, it's just that, he has never actually called me a bitch. I mean when we're playing around but never seriously. Not like today. "
"He's a dumbass anyway, he says he was watching, but if he really was he would've seen that I hit you first. "
"I honestly don't know what the hell happened. It's like I blacked out or something. "
"Ah i see. " She laughs.
"What? " I look at her confused.
"Your one of those psycho bitches "
"What? "
"The real psycho bitches black out in anger. Much like you. "
"Shut up, I am not psycho. "
"Maybe not right now, you're like a villain."
"Wow thanks. "I say.
" I really am sorry. "She said but there was something in her eyes that made that so unbelievable. I just smiled. I can be fake too.
'It's fine, I'mma go though. " She nods. I grab my phone and walk to the door. I open it and I hear her say something
"She's so gullible. I'll get him back. I'll make sure if it. She won't be around mux9longer now. " She chuckles a bit. I walk out.
"Dad." I say as u give up to him. He's dancing with my mom.
"What? "
"I'm gunna leave. "
"Ok. I'll have the limo driver take you. "
"No I can get a cab. "
"No because I'll know that you got home safe. "
"Fine."my dad got out his phone as I went to the table to grab the rest of my stuff.
" Mija, Estás bien"I nod. (You ok)
"Just tired. "
"Let's talk later. Just you and me. "
" Bien.Te amo mamá."she hugs me as dad comes over.
"You ready? "
"Sí. "
"Come on. " We walk outside. I go to the limo. Dad opens the door.
"We're gunna talk. Sí. "
"Sí." I get in and he closes the door. The limo drives off. I stare out the window. The lights and the trees pass by. The different houses and apartment buildings. I love this place. It's my home. It'll be hard to leave but I have to. I take out my phone and dial Sierra.
"Hey what's up. " I hear music in the background.
"Are you at a party? "
"Yeah. I'm outside now. "
"I got in to Duke. "
"You did! That's great! But you don't sound excited. "
"Trust me I am, it's just me and Blake had a fight and I physically fought his ex. And she said some things that are making me think about our relationship. "
"Are you having doubts or are you just insecure? "
"I don't know.. I really don't. "
"Just talk to him. Tell him what she told you. Or at least drop hints. " The limo pulls outside my house. The driver opens the door and I get out I go to the door and ion it. I turn in the light and walk up the stairs. I turn it off from the switch up there. I walk into my closet. I pick out pyjamas and change into them (outfit above⬆⬆⬆)and I put her on speaker
"He's so oblivious though. He won't understand what I'm trying to say. I swear in the most obvious situation he could be so dumb. " She laughs. I turn off the light and go into the movie room. I turn in the screen and pick a movie.
'What movie should I watch? "
"Do you have the clique? " I scoff.
"Is that even a question. Watching a bunch if fourteen year olds rolling the school. That's my favorite. " I roll my eyes.
"Hey j live that movie. They might be fourteen, but Massy has the right taste. Chris Abeley is hot. "I laugh. I grab the movie and put it in.
" I gotta go now. l have to get home. "She says.
" Ok. I'll call you "
"You better. "
"Bye." I hang up and start the movie. About five minutes into the movie, my eyes get droopy. I grab the blanket and cover myself as I fall asleep

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