chapter 61

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It's December. I haven't been myself and I think the others have noticed. They keep they're distance but I can tell they want to ask why I am acting like this. I've been going to school and coming home right after. I do my homework , work out, do some radon stuff on my computer then going to sleep. I was currently sitting at Blake desk on my laptop trying to write a essay.
"Ooh you look cute! " Gregory said walking into Blake's room.
"Thanks." I said not lookin at him. I was too busy typing.

"Where's Blake? " He asks sitting on the bed

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"Where's Blake? " He asks sitting on the bed.
"At Saul's. " I said and corrected the sentence.
"What're you doing? " He asks. I swear he is immature like  child. That's why we get along.
"English essay. " I push my glasses up. I finish this is paragraph and turn to face him.
"Where's Eliza? " I ask fefferring to Blake's mom.
"I think in the basement. "
"For what? "
"There are some boxes that came in for Christmas and she doesn't want anyone to open then. " I nod. Just then Blake walks in with a pizza .
"Oh yum!" I said. He smiles.
"Hey Greg. What you doin? "
"Waiting for your mom. "
"Ok." Blake says blankly. I shake my head and take a piece of pizza. Then I turn around and try to type with one hand.
"Well I'mma go. " Greg for up and left the room. Just then a Skype request cane up from my cousin in new York. I accepted the call. Her face pipped up. She looked tired. The kids we're making a lot if noise in the background.
"Your tired. " U stated the obvious.
"Yea thanks. These kids haven't slept and they're driving me nuts. "
"How can they have so much energy? "
"I have no idea. " She honestly looked like she would pass out. Blake came over and moved around so he could fit in the screen.
"Hey Alana. How's it going? "
"Absolutely great. The kids are driving me crazy and I'm tired as fuck. "
"Watch your profanity. " I mocked. She glared. Blake chuckled.
"Al when are you coming to New York? " She asked as Blake Sat on my lap. HS weight was cutting off my circulation in my legs. I tried to push him off but he didn't move.
"Get off of me you dumb fuck! " He smirked and just moved so he was fully sitting on me. I groaned.
"Watch your profanity. " Alana mocked me through the screen.
"You didn't answer her question. "Blake pointed out.
" Oh. Uh when should I go? Honestly I could go whenever you want? "I told her.
" In two days? "
"Well I got to go before I crash. "
"Ok night. "
"Night." Blake said right as I cut it off.
"So you'll be in New York for how long? " I shrugged.
"Seriously, blue get off of me. " He gets up. I slap his butt. He turns around and fans my hands.
"Ah ah ah. Don't hit my ass. "
"Why not? You slap mine all the time. "
"Because I can do it. "
"Whatever. It seems like I won't get this essay done. "
"It's due next week. " He said dryly.
"So, I wanted to get it done. " I said taking more pizza. I pull my fading red hair back into a ponytail. I sit on Blake bed next to him and continue eating my pizza. I took off my boots when I was finished with my pizza.
"Do you wanna go somewhere? "Blake asks me.
"Like where? "
"Go to Starbucks and then take a walk at the park. *
" Do they still have the pumpkin spice? "He shrugged as he got up. He walked to grab his keys and jacket.
" Wait now? "I asked.
" Yea. "
"But I just took off my boots! " I whined.
"So. Put them back on.  Come on. "
I took a sip of my latte as Leo walked in front of me. Blake was walking on my right.
"Do you know what college tour applying to? " He asks as we approach a bench. I sit down and look at the trees.
*I don't know. All I wanted was to go to UCLA. Now I can't. I don't even know what I wanted to do for a plan B. Now that I think about it, a psychologist isn't something I want to do. And because I don't know, I might just not go to college. Or I might take a year off and work. "I answer. Leo nudges my foot.
" You can't not go to college. And you don't need to work. "
"Well what am I supposed to do? You all are going to UCLA and I'm not. I will be a hour away from all of you. Possibly farther if I got to the community college. "
"You won't go to the community college. "
"What makes you so sure that I won't? "
"Because it's you. You aren't like that. "
"Yea ok. " I at sarcastically. I flip my har over my shoulder and take a sip of my latte. I let go of Leo's leash and he trots off somewhere.
"You'll go to UCLA. If I know you, which I do. Then you'll find a way to go. "
"Can we not talk about it anymore. "
"I can't let it go. You love plying sports and you made a mistake. Everyone does. They shouldn't have done that. I don't know how the administration heard about it in the first place. "
"I said I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm done playing sports. They kicked me off the team. They want me to change, therefore I'm changing. I'm gunna do it their way. I'mma go to a college that I don't want to go to and not talk to anyone. "
"What aren't you going to talk to anyone? "
"Because my big mouth gets me in trouble. "I pull my knees to my chest and hug them still holding onto my latte.
" You've changed. Everyone can see it. Taliya Sid tht she doesn't know what time say to you anymore. Jess is still afraid that you are mad at her because she was still on the team. You changing affected Zeke the most. He doesn't feel like he should be his normal goofy crazy self. "
"Blake, I know I changed. I feel like a stranger in my own body. It makes me feel depresses that I can't be the trouble keeps maker b that I used to be. "
"Aww Ali don't be depressed. Smile please. " He says. I force a smile
"That not a real smile. I'll sing you favorite song. Uh na na na na na.
One step at a time. Some thing something bout a door slamming bin your face. " I can't help but laugh.
That's not how it goes. "I say.
" Then how does it go? "
"Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch"

"You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting"

"We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time"I get up and move my hips to the melody in my head. Blake gets up and spins me. I throw my coffee in the nearest trash and we walk down the path.
"Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da
You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you always wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew"

"You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting"

"We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time*

"When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
(when you need to find the strength)
It's your faith that makes you stronger
The only way you get there
Is one step at a time"

"One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time"

"One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time" I sigh as Blake spins me one last time.
"That was good. " I look to my side and see Lindsay. She was holding Leo's leash.

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