chapter 65

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I was sitting on the couch waiting for my turn. I have Blake on my left side and Fernanda on my right. I lean down to take off my boots when I unonsiously move my hair over my shoulder. In the corner of my eye I see Blake look at me. He furrows hi eyevroes and I quickly put my hair so it's covering my 'hickey's'. He reaches to move my hair but I slap his hand away.
"What was that? " He asks trying to move my hair again.
"Nothing." I say and Pat Fernanda's leg. She looks at us and starts recording.
"It's not nothing. Because if it was you would let me look. "
"Well it's nothing so drop it. " I say and get up to walk away. He grabs my arm catching everyone's attention.
"What the hell is on your neck! "
"I said nothing! Your making a big deal over nothing! "
"Then let me see! "
"No! "
"Why! "
"Because it's nothing! " I try to walk away again but he grabs both of my arms. He moves my hair with one hand and looks at it. There was one on my left under my ear. One on my Coller bone, and one where my shoulder meets my neck on the right.
"What the hell are there hickeys all over your neck?! " He asks/shouts. He takes a step away from me.
"Where did you go?! I thought you were with Taliya and tatiana! "
"I was! " Everyone was silent and the music was turned off. Fernanda was still recording while trying not to laugh.
"No you weren't! Who were you with?! "
"Taliya and Tatiana! Blake I think you're going crazy because I got these from you last night! "
"No,  I would know if I did and I didn't. "
"Well who else was I with then? "
"I don't know!  Probably Eric! " I stayed silent and looked down. I was hiding a smile.
"Unbelievable! " He throws his hands up. Then he punches the wall next to my head. I flinch. He storms out of the room.
"Shit Ali. What the hell is wrong with you. " Matt says.
"It was a prank. I had Taliya use makeup. "
"Prove it. "I walk over and grab a napkin. I put some water on it and start to wipe off the one on my Coller bone. His eyes widen.
" We even have a video to show you that its fake. "U said walking out to find Blake. I find him in my closet packing his bags. I sigh.
" Blake it was a prank. They're not real. "
"Seriously. I love you and only you. I wouldn't cheat. "
"Prove it. "
"Ok but come back downstairs. " He puts the shirt in his hand down and walks out. I follow him we enter the game room and Zeke was about to open his mouth but I shook my head. Fernanda was over and hands Blake her phone. He presses play and watches as it shows Taliya and Tatiana working in my neck.
"Taliya, they have to look real. " I hear myself say.
"Shut up. I know what I'm doing"
"Put one on her Coller bone. " Taliya says to Tatiana.
"I put one behind her ear. How many dies she need? "
"I only needed one. "
"Well your getting three. "
"All done. "
"Tah dah. " Tatiana says. Fernanda does a close up of the hickeys. I get up and look in the mirror.
"Not bad. This is incredible."
"He's gunna be pissed. "
"Send us a video. "
"Obviously. This is gunna be epic. "
"Go kick some ass babydoll. " We all laugh.
The video cuts off. Bake hands Fernanda back her phone as she immediately sends the girls a video. He turns to me. I look in his eyes. He runs his hands through my hair.
"I'm sorry. " He whispers and pulls me in for a hug.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I expected this reaction. It was a prank. " I said into his shirt.
"Awe and the lovebird are gunna rock the boat tonight. " I heard Jacob tease
"Make sure it doesn't sink or too over! " Matt adds. I chuckle. I pull away from Blake and kiss him. I hear whistles in the background. All I know is Jacob isn't wrong.
I wake up to hear my phone ringing. I reach over to my nightstand to see who it is. It's Graciela. I check the time and groan. I answer the call.

A: it's five in the morning. What do you want.
G: my parents kicked me out. Mom got upset because if the pregnancy. I don't know what to do.
A: where are you.
G: right now I'm sitting in a car with Andy.
A: outside my house
G: yeah.
A: ok I'm coming.
G: thanks.
A: Mhm.

I hang up and get out of bed. It's dark so I use my flash light. I don't want to wake up Blake. I put on my undergarments that we're on the floor. I pick up Blake's shirt that was also on the floor, and slip it on. I leave the room and walk downstairs. I unlock the door and open it. Graciela is standing next to Andy, both of them have bags.
"I see so. Done had fun last night. "Andy teased. I run a hand through my messy hair.
" Shut up and get in here. "I say. They come in and I close the door. I don't bother locking it because dad will soon be up to go to work.
" Come on. I have a guest room. "I say and walk up the stairs. They follow as I lead them to the guest room. It's been empty for a while now. My friends parents took some time off of work so they went home. They put their bags down as I walk to my kitchen. I grab three waters and some marshmallows. They sit at the island as I stand on the other side. I give them the water bottles and open the marshmallows.
"No offence but why can't you go to Andy's house? "
"They kicked me out the second they found out. I've been staying with her. "
"You should've told me. I would've let you come here. "
"It's fine. We're here now aren't we? "
"Well I'm tired. You giuys can wander around. Or better yet follow me." They get up and follow me as I walk over time the theatre room.
" Choose whatever you want. Or you can choose to sleep. "
"We'll stay here. "
"Ok, I'll see you later. " They nid as they search for a movie. I go back to my room and lay in bed.
"Where's you go? " Blake mumbles.
"I'll tell you later. Go back to sleep. " I say and push his hair back. I close my eyes and let sleep take over.

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