chapter 32

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I wake up on something hard. I look up and see Blake. I smile remembering last night. We are good now. It's been a couple weeks since the Jess mess. Hey that rhymed. I'm so childish. Anyway, in a week is my birthday. I'm turning so old. 
"Hola bebé. ¿Estuviste despierto?"I smile. I'm still not used to this. (hey babe. were you up long?)
" I'm still not used to this. "I say and get up. He lays on his side watching me.
" But it's not weird when we have sex. "
"Let's not call it that."
"What do we call it then? "
"Fucking, shaging, hooking up, getting laid. I don't know. "
"Making whoopee. Making babies. "
"Making whoopee. Really. That's something abuela would say. " We laugh.
"But seriously, the whole baby thing. "
"Not now. I don't want one now. " I immediately said.
"You didn't listen to what I was going to say. "
"What were you going to say. "
"If you didn't interrupt you would've heard. "
"Then tell me. " I walk into my closet and he follows me. He sits on the bench while I find my clothes.
"I heard what you and Lauren where talking about. "
"What do you mean.? "
"I mean about you getting oregnant. The bet that you called off after 5 minutes. "
"I was messing with her. I won't put a bet on something like that. Why are you bringing this up now? "
"Do you want a kid. "
"Yes but. Now? No. "
"Why not? "
"We're still in school and I need these scholarships. Maybe after college . But not now. "
"Ok." He walked to my shelf and picks a outfit.
"Wear this. And those heels that I bought you. " He kissed me for head and left. I changed and put on makeup.


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"Damn. Is that my girlfriend? " Blake asked.
"I don't know. Who is your girlfriend? "
"I'm hoping it's you. Your sexy as hell. "
"And I wasn't before. " I grabbed my keys.
"You are beautiful. That's different from sexy. "
"Wow Blake. That sure makes me feel good. " I said sarcastically. I walked out and into the kitchen. I grabbed a energy bar. I heard sounds in the living room. I walk over to the living room. It sound like someone is...... Moaning. Oh my god. They're having sex on my couch. I walk in to see Brandon and Alyssa making out. Should've known. They've had it for each other for years. I clear my throat.
"Not on my couch. Anywhere but there. " I said and sat down. They looked embarrassed.
"Look whose embarrassed now. Answer these questions. How long and when did it finally come out? "
"When your were mad at us for both. " Brandon said.
"ALRIGHT BITCHES GIMME MY MONEY!!! " I yelled. They all rushed into the room.
"God damn it! This  is the second bet I lost. " Zeke said. Everyone handed me my money. I got up and counted it. 200.perfect.
"Let's roll out. " We walked to our cars and headed to school.
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"Good morning students and staff. Tonight are tryout for the following sports:
Guys and girls cross country
Guys and girls soccer
And volleyball
Talk to your coaches for any further questions.
Athletic PE:
Talk to your coaches if you want to join athletic PE. Remember you have to have a signed slip from your parent and coaches to join.
General information: student Council needs a student Council president so don't forget to vote.
Students services:
Teachers have been given the opportunity to be apart of the award ceremony. Students can submit a award and a teacher for the award. They have to be submitted by the end of the month. That all we have for you today. Have a good rest of the day. "The secretary announced over the intercom. I'm in the gym for PE.
" If anyone needs to talk to their coach for athletic PE leave now. "Mr Bull says. Not fucking kidding his name is Ryan Bull. Everyone calls him Mr. Bullshit behind his back. Me,  Blake and Sam get up. Blake and Sam play football. Me and Jess play volleyball. Brandon does soccer and the rest play winter sports. Zeke plays basketball and Hanna and Alyssa  do swimming and diving. We usually go into the auditorium for this. We enter the auditorium and look for the rest. Here's the thing about our school. We have 6 PE teachers and each teacher has their own gymnasium. There is only two athletic teachers that work together and share the gymnasium that is upstairs. We find the rest and sit next to them. We wait for the coaches and the athletic teachers to talk.
"Finally volleyball season. " Jess says.
"I personally love how they never schedule two sporting event for the same day. " Zeke says.
"True." Blake says.
"Alright everyone shut up. " Coach Brad said.
"We will be handing the slips down each rows. Take them home and have your parents sign them. You have to have them returned tomorrow. If not then you have to wait until second semester. That's all. You can stay here for the rest of the period. No leaving unless you are going back to your gym classes. "
"We have to go change. We'll be back. " Me ,Sam and Blake left. We were the only ones in PE this period.
"Gonzales, Jimenez wait one minute. " Coach Ainsley said. We turn and wait for her.
"Sam you go on. " She said. He nodded Nd continued walking then when he turned the corner she spoke.
"Coach Brad and I spoke about the tattoos. We don't care about them. They don't effect the way you play so it doesn't matter. As far as games and stuff, there isn't a rule that says you can't have them. They're apart of you and show your personality. " She said. I looked at Blake to see a smile on his face. We nod and continue on our way to the locker rooms. I walk I to the girls locker room and head to my locker. I change and walk out. I see Blake and Sam waiting for me.
"You don't look like the volleyball player we all know ow. " Sam joked.
"No I don't. If I did I would be wearing my uniform smart one. " I retorted.
We walked back into the auditorium. We sit with the others and talk for the rest of the period.

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