chapter 45

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We've been dancin and drinking for about an hour. I see the one person I didn't want to see here. I pick up my dress and speed walk over to her. Someone grabs my arm. I look up and see Sam. He shakes his head.
"Don't start anything. It's your day. No drama. " I nodded.
"No promises. " I said. He let go and I continued my walk. She was standing there looking around. She was wearing a short tight black dress.


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"Hey." I calmly said.
"Hey. Uh I know you don't want me here but I wanted to say I'm sorry. " I raised my brows. Is the one girl I have never heard say soorry, apologizing? To me?
"Are you apologizing to me? " I ask. I was shocked.
"Yea.mostly because of Mia. I noticed howuch popularity affected her. When I look at how you deal with it. It's two whole different things. With you it's like your popularity isn't even there. With me and Mia. It consumes us. Then we end up in jail. " She said I snorted.
"Only the crazy obsessed ones do. " I said.
"Well.. I accept your apology. You can stay. Invite someone. Maybe a couple of your minions or even Matt. I don't care. But do not start anything. Do it any other time. Just not today. Ok. "
"Got it. " I nodded and walked away. Wow never had I thought that this would ever happen.
"Hey what happened over there? " Alyssa asked.
"She came to apologize. " I said
"Wow really? Never thought I'd see the day. " She said clearly shocked also.
"I know. "
"What the hell just happened. How did I witness you walking away from her without arguing or getting into a fight? " Zeke walked over and said. The others followed.
"She came to apologize. "
"Why? "
"I guess she feels like it's her fault or something. " I said.
"Taliya Ramirez feels guilty. " Brandon says.
"Never thought I'd see the day. " Hanna says.
"Hey guys. Will you take a picture for me. " Melanie asks. I nod. We all huddle together. I'm in the middle the others are around me. Blake is behind me. His arms are around my shoulders. I see a flash. More pictures are taken. I really hate photographers.
Honestly. I admire photographers for their ability to capture theoment but one picture is enough. After we were done I went around and talked to family I rarely see. I am currently sitting with my cousin Damion. He is 27 and is working as a mechanic. He live about 20 minutes away from me. He told me he's dating agaim and just went through his horrible date he had 2 days ago.
"Wait what happened again? " I said trying to contain my laughter.
"She choked on a piece of Shrimp. No one knew how to do CPR or whatever. So we went to the hospital. The got her to spit up what she was choking on. After that. She never texted me."I was laughing so hard that no sound was coming out. After I sobered up I ask the question I wanted to ask.
" Wait. How did you make it to the hospital without her passing out or something? "
"I asked the doctor and he said to ask her. I went and asked her. She said she was faking it. She said the date was so horrible that she needed a way to get out of it. "
"Wasn't that a little to extreme? "
"It was. That's why I don't care that she texts me back. She was hot though. I'd tap that. "I smirked.
" You say that about every date. "
"Mhm. I bet you already had sex with Blake. Have you even been on a date yet? "
"No. We both said no dates. We just did whatever. Sometimes we will do things together just us two. But we won't call it a date. "
"That's just sad. Everyone has to go on a date. Does that mean you haven't been on your first date yet? "
"No I haven't been on a date. I'm just not into that. "
"Everyone should have their first date. "
"Blake already had his. " I said.
"But you didn't. " Damion said.
"She didn't what? " Blake came up to the table.
"Nothing" I said at the same time Damion said.
"Had her first date. " Blake looked at me.
"You haven't had your first date? "
"That's not true. You dated Matt. "
"Yea.for like a week. And in that week we never went on a date. I'm just not into that stuff. We agreed no dates. I am perfectly fine with that. "
"Are you sure? "
"Yes. I am positive. " I said and stood up.
"Where you goin? " Damion asked.
"To find my mom. I need to ask her something. " They nodded and started talking. I walked around looking for my mom. I finally found her outside. She was in the back. The back has several picnic tables and a couple garbage cans. It's fenced in if you want to go outside. She was talking with some of her coworkers. I seen Rebecca, her assistant.
"Hi Alejandra. Happy birthday. " She said.
"Thanks Rebecca. May I borrow my mom for a minute? "
"Sure go ahead. "
"Thanks." I grabbed my mom's arm and pulled her a few steps away.
"I don't wanna do the gift exchange. "
"Why. Honey that's the best part. Trust me. You'll be glad you did it. "
"Ok I'll do it. But you will have to thank everyone else for me OK. Only you dad Monica and my friends can do it. No one else. "
"Ok. That's what I had planned anyway. It's nearly 8. Do you want to do cake now? "
"Yes. We've been her since 3. I want it. "She chuckles.
" Alright I'll get them to announce it. "We walk back in. I stand by the cake as my mom walks over to the DJ so he can announce it. Hanna comes and sits on my lap.
" Dude your going to ruin the dress. "I said.
" No I'm not. And if I did I would probably not forgive myself. "
"You shouldn't. "
"What are we doin right now. " Jess comes up with Joshua in step.
"Hey Josh. When did you get here? " I ask.
"A few minutes ago. " I pushed Hanna off of me and got up. I gave him a hug.
"Alright everybody. It's time to sing for the birthday girl. On the count of three! One! Two! Three! " Everyone started singing. It's was so loud. Damn. I was looking for Hayden. I have to stay away from him. He loves to push our faces into the cake. When they were done my head came down into the cake. I lifted my head and looked at Hayden.
"Ugh. You asshole. You got my makeup messed up. " He just laughed. I grabbed a piece of the cake and threw it at him. That started a full on cake war between us. Thank god there was a whole different cake to serve.

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