chapter 25

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2 hours later I am at the tattoo parlor sitting next to Blake.
"How was lunch? " He asked.
"It was good. It felt good. Having the whole family in one place at the same time. "
"That's good . I have one more tattoo to go which will take an hour and a half. Then we can get my pizza and go home. "
"I was hoping you'd forget. Me and dad had a bet and I lost do I had to pay for lunch. "
"How much was it? "
"Nearly $200. Dad did it on purpose to order the most expensive dishes and he bought like three bottles of Champaign. "
"I only bought one so stop exaggerating. "
"What ever. "
"Why did you choose that tattoo Ali? " Dad asked.
"Because it's Blake's last name and jersey number. "
"What does he play? "
"Football in the fall and basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring. "
"Busy schedule "
"Yep especially since its our last year. We already have offers. We wanna go to UCLA since it close to home. The rest of our friends are going to community colleges so we wanna stay close. We have full ride offers for all of our sports at UCLA. We just wanna go to UCLA."
"Wow. So you already have a plan. What if you get injured or for some reason can't play sports. "
"Then I'll go into fashion with mom. Blake will be a doctor. We already have our plans a's b's and C's. Don't worry. "
"Your done."
"With all has it been that long? "
"Time flies when your talking about your future. "
"Let's go home then I'll show you." He says. I nod and we go home.
We get home and walk upstairs to my room.  I hear the song pump it by the black Eyed peas. I walk in and see everyone up and moving around. Singing and dancing. I join.
On the steree-aree-aree-aree-o (ha)
Let those speakers blow your mind
(Blow my mind, baby)
Just let it go, let it go
Here we go (Ha)
La-da-dee-da-da-dee-da (come on, we here)
On the radi-aree-aree-aree-o (ha)
The system's gonna feel so fine (ha)
Yeah, yeah, yeah (ha), yeah, yeah" Then I turn it off
"Ali.what did you get. " They all say in unison.
"First of that's creepy and second,  I haven't even seen Blake yet. "

"Ooh they got a tattoo of each other's names

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"Ooh they got a tattoo of each other's names. " Zeke yells.
"He should be lucky I got his last name. He has to earn his first. "
"His jersey number made it before his name. " Jess chuckles. I nid.
"I do like my name though. " I say as I look at his tattoo.
"Why the elephant? " Brandon asks.
"Luck. And the cross is self explanatory. "
"Why did you get my name though. "
"Because I want this to last forever. "
"When was the last time y'all had sex because Blake sure is pussy whipped. " Sam said.
"Fuck off dude. When was the last time you even had a girl. " Blake shot back.
"Nothing to say now. " Blake taunted.
"Hey Sam I can call Tatiana for ya. " I teased.
"Both of you shut up. Just for that I am going to dare you to get two tattoos tomorrow. "
"Why tomorrow why not tonight? " Brandon said.
"Brandon your not helping. He only said that because he knows I hate needles. "
"Well let's go. A date is a dare. "
"Whatever you can explain that to my dad. "He walked out of the room and a few minutes later came back with my dad.
" Come on Ali. Only me and you. "
"Fine. I hate you all. " They snickered and Blake looked worried. I walked outside and hopped into my dads Porsche.
2 hours later and I am sore. We are just leaving the parlor.
"You did good. "
"Yea me screaming at Sam when he isn't there. If that's what you call good. " I said. I lost my voice. Is seriously sounds like I got laryngitis. We pull up to the house and I take the elevator. My abdomen is to sore.  When I get to my  floor everyone is in the family room.
"You guys have never seen the game room have you. " I say and walk to my room. I carefully sit on my bed and take off my shoes.
"What did you get for you to be this sore. " I look up to see Zeke.
"Look." I take off my shirt. Don't worry he has seen me like this before. I had a bra on. I show him my shoulder and abdomen.

"Ooh I like those

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"Ooh I like those. "
"I know I do too. I have to take a shower and get all my shit ready for school tomorrow. "
"I can do that you just take a shower. "
"Thanks Zeke. "
"Your welcome baby doll. "I get up and go to take a shower. I get in and the hot water relaxes my body. After 15 minutes I get out and head to bed. I see Blake laying down already.
" I'm sorry. "He says.
" Why? "
"For not going with you. How did you lose your voice. "
"Well while he was doing the tattoos I was screaming the whole time. Not from the pain but by how mad I was at Sam. He dared me to get permanent things on my body. I already had one. But then I started to get quieter and I realised that I and lost my voice. Then I realised 'how am I going to cover these up for volleyball next month. "
"Don't cover them up. What are the coaches going to do about it?  Kick you off the team. "
"They justight. "
"No they won't. Come on your one of the best volleyball players in that school. They aren't about to get rid of you. "
"Maybe your right but I'm still worried especially since all I wear for practice is shorts and a sports bra. "
"Don't stress about it now. Tomorrow go talk to the coaches and the music teacher. I heard about that offer. Don't pads it up. You are a great singer. Don't miss this opportunity to make yourself known. "
"I already am. Remember the YouTube video Sam posted. "
"Have you checked that? "
"Nope let's check now. " I grab my phone and search the video.
"5 million!! 5 million! ! " I get out of bed. I of ore the pain. I am jumping up and down squealing.
"What? What's all this noise? O h my god are you having sex? "
" look 5 million  views for the video Sam posted!! " I shriek. She screams and we start jumping around.
"Alright Alyssa get out of our room we need to sleep. "
"Well that's what I was doing until i heard her. Ok then night boos. "
"Night puta. " I reply and lay back down. I put my phone on the stand  and lay down. Blake pulled me closer and we started to make out. Thing got heated,  and I'mma leave it at that. I think you know what we did. I think the whole house did.

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