chapter 25

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I hear the door open then a few seconds later a shudder go off. Then the door closes. My phone buzzes.its a text from Alyssa.

With the caption 'too cute'

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With the caption 'too cute'.
"She's not lying. " Blake says.
"Sure she's not. "
"I wanna do something. "
"Does it involve leaving this room? "
"Yes. I wanna get some tattoos. "
"Tattoos, plural. Meaning more than one. "
"Yes. I want three. You can get one too and don't say you don't want one. I saw your secret tattoo list. " I gasped.
"It's secret for a reason. My mom will find out that we have tattoos. "
"So.i want 3 and you want 1. What's so bad about that? " He came and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"For 1,its my mom and 2, they're tattoos. They are permanent. " I tried to convince him but it wasn't working. Truth is I was just afraid of needles and all the pain that comes with it.
"I'll be there. He asked yesterday. " I turn and look at my dad.
"I have to sign the form a anyway. You two are underage. "
"Whatever let's go. "
"Your going in that. " Dad said. I was wearing Blake tee with some leggings.
"Yea." He shrugged. We walked downstairs and poo it the front door to Blake Jeep. We got in and drove 20 minutes to the nearest parlor.
We been here 10 minutes and I'm already nervous. My dad is signing the forms and telling him what we want.
"Ali you will go first. Yours is small and fast. Then blame will go since he want three very detailed tats. "
"Someone distract me. Now is not the time to be afraid of needles." I said.
"Are you sure you want to do this. You don't have to. " Blake said.
"Yes I do. Now distract me. "
"Get her some water. " Dad nodded.
"So what do you wanna do for your birthday? "
"That's not until september. We never know what the weather will be like. That rules out the beach. I could do one at the house but that will be a bitch to clean. And a Hall will be too expensive. "
"Thats next month and your rich Ali. Nothing is too expensive. "
"Your right. "
"Here and your up. "
"Blake come with me. " We get up and follow the guy to the back.
"Sit here. Where do you want it. " He says.
"On my wrist. " I say.
He puts the stencil on my wrist.
"Her Hanna wants to talk to you. " Blake says.
(H=Hanna a=Alejandra)
A: I'm sorry. We woke up and left I forgot you guys we're there.
A: wanna help me find a new car then you can have mine.
H: really
A: yes and I'm only doing this because I don't like you car.
H: I don't like it either.
A: so you lied to your mom.
H: she got it for my birthday I couldn't say 'thanks mom but I don't like it. 'She would be been broken. Plus it was the year she came home for my birthday.
A: in all honesty I'm glad my mom doesn't have to go on business trips. She has all of her assistants go on them for her.
H: I don't understand why though. She's a fadion designer she would get to go to Paris and Milan. Who wouldn't.
"Ali your done. " Blake said.
"I am" He nodded.
H: my work is done.
A: I hate you your not getting my car.
H: Blake said he was going to pay me I couldn't say no.
A: you say that a lot bye.
H: bye boo.

I hang up and give the phone back to Blake.
What are you getting? "I ask Blake as we switch seats.
" I can't tell you. "
"How long will it take? "
"About and hour. " Tattoo guy said.
"Ok well I'mma go get something with dad. Where are your keys. "
"Your are not driving my Jeep. You crashed it the last time you drove it. "
"I was drunk. I was the most sober. That's why we don't drive to clubs anymore. We all get wasted them someone has to drive home because its too far to walk and we don't have money to get a cab. Now gimme your key. "
"Please. Baby please. "
"I'll buy you pizza. "
"Ok bye. " I grabbed his keys.
"Nothing for me? " He pouted. I walked back and pecked his lips.
"Better? "
"Yes."I walk to. The front to see my dad sleeping. I grab a magazine and roll it up. I don't wanna hit him with full force because that will cut him so I use low power. I wack him.
" What the hell? Ali what was that for? "
"Because you were sleeping. We need to leave. I wanna buy Blake something. His tats will take like 8 hours because he wants huge ones. His birthday is next month and now he's not with me I can go and find him a present. "
"Ok let's go. "
20 minutes later I am looking at designs for necklaces at a jewelry store. I found a design that I like but it is two different colors. Black and silver.
"Are these the only designs you have? " I ask the lady whose name is Cheryl.
"Yes.but if you have your own design you can bring it in and we will be happy to create it. "
"Ok thanks. "
"No problem. "
"Is there anything you like? " Dad asks.
"Yea but I don't know if he will like it. "
"It's from you. He will love it. "
"Are you just saying that? "
"No it's the truth. I remember when he was turning four you were three. A little bit before I left. You were outside and you licked up a flour. You gave it to him and he would not let it go no matter what. "I smiled thinking about it. I don't remember anything before the age of 5.
" So I should get him this. "
"Yea . But call him and ask what color. " I nod and pull out my phone.
(B=Blake a=Alejandra)
B: hello
A: hey black or silver
B: why
A: just answer the question
B: why
A: stop being so difficult and answer the question
B: black
A: ok me and dad are going to get something to eat and then we will head back to you
B;ok love you
A: love you too

I looked down and smiled as I hung up.
"I told you he loves you. "
"I love him too. "
"I know. I got a call from the school saying you've Benn missing way too much. You need to go to school. "
"I know I'll go tomorrow. "
"Yea you better go all week. No leaving early or going late. Also no fights. "
"Can't promise anything. Me and Taliya are supposedly friends but I don't trust her. "
"Did you find anything? " Cheryl asks.
"Yes I would like model 437 in the exact same way. The same engraving and color. "
"Ok is that all? "
"Will you be paying with cash or credit? "
"That will be $4297.63"i swipe my card while she places the order.
" Here is your receipt and the date the order should be here. "
"Thank you so much Cheryl. "
"No problem have a good day. "
"You too. " I say as we walk out. I walk to the car and get in. I decide to call my mom.
"Is mom at the office today? " I ask dad.
"Yea she left early she said she had a meeting at 9."
"Do you wanna see if she want to get lunch. "
(M=mom A= Alejandra AS= assistant.)
As: Gonzales fashion Inc. How can I help you.
A: hey Rebecca is my mom there
As: yep let me tell her your calling
A: thanks.
I wait a few minutes for her to pick up.
M: hey honey I was just about to go to luch.
A: good timing go pick up Monica and meet us at I've harden.
M: ok bye
A: bye.

I hang up and look at dad.
"So who's paying? "

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