chapter 63

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I am currently driving to this party. I'm not mad at my dad or Fernanda. I would've likes it if he had told me about her earlier. I talked to her. She's 16, she is quiet to say the least but if she let loose she'd be fun. She said she loves to read and she can play the piano. She had said that she wanted to go to Julliard. She absolutely lives Nutella and her favorite fruit us watermelon. We are alike in so many ways. Apart from the fact that we look alike.
"Ali." Blake said shaking me from my thoughts.
"What? "
"Are you ok? You've been quiet since we left. "
"Yea. Still processing that I have a sister. "
"It's crazy huh? "
"Yea never thought that one day I would be meeting a sister I never knew about. "
"You'll be fine. You two are practically twins. You're just older. "
"That's kinda cool. Don't you think. "
"Well we are here. " I say and pull up to a parking space. I drove my Honda because I don't want the Escalade getting scratched.
We get out and walk into the house full with sweaty drunk teenager who are attempting to dance. There are couples making out everywhere. One girl is practically having sex with the couch. We walk through to the kitchen.
"Are you drinking? " Blake asks. I shake my head.
"Not tonight. "
"I won't either then. "
"Why? "
"Because if you not gunna have fun the why should I? "
"Then it was a waste of time coming here. "
"No it wasn't. W get to stand here and watch a bunch of drunk teenagers makeout. " I shove him but he grabs my hands and pull me to him.
"Let's go outside. " I nid and follow after him. We step outside to see people in the pool and sitting around it. I spot Taliya, Matt, and Jacob. We walk over to them. Blake sits down and pulls me in between his legs.
"Oh my god. Is that Alejandra Gonzales? " Taliya asks in a mocking voice
"No I'm Jennifer Lopez. " I say sarcastically.
"What changed your mind. "
"Honestly, myself. I was tired of being something I'm not. I'll still be myself, I just won't fight. "
"You said that last time. "
"But this lime I learned my lesson. No more fighting. "
"Good for you. " Jacob said.
"Actually, I lied. Someone get me a drink. " I said. Blake chuckled. Matt reached behind him and handed me a corona. I gladly took it and drank some.
"So what's up with you? " Taliya asks.
"What you mean? "I ask.
" You look like your in a daze. What's up? "
"I found out that I have a sister. My dad got his last wife pregnant when he first met her. Apparently he had a one night stand and got the girl pregnant. " I said messing with the strap of my heel. I look up and see a confused look on Matt's face.
"Matt, that was after he left my mom. She's 16.whe I seen her, it was like looking in a mirror. She looked exactly like me. My eyes hair and everything. Just shorter and younger. "
"Imagine another evil Alejandra running around. " I snort.
"She's not like that. She's quiet. She loves to read. That's not me. But we do have the same appetite."
"Your mom better get a years supply if food for this month. Especially with the way you eat. I don't understand how your skinny. " Blake said chuckling. I pinch his leg and he yelps. I smirk.
"Shut up will you? " I say.
"No. I have a mouth, and I'm going to use it. "Blake said and kissed my shoulder. I wiggled my shoulder so he would stop.
" Why are you so annoying? "I asked.
" Guys keep it PG! "Jacob shouted. I threw my keys at him.
" Ow! What was that for? "He whined.
" We weren't even doing anything! "
"Oh so Blake wasn't getting turned on by your shoulder? " He retorted.
"So much for keeping it PG. " Blake mumbled. I snickered.
"Whatever just give me back my keys. " I said and held out my hand.
"Oh I don't think so. I just got keys to a brand new car. "
"Jacob give them back. "
"Run." He got up and ran for his life. I quickly took off my heels and chased after him. We ran around the yard twice and through the house. He ran upstairs then into a room. He was trapped.
"Jacob. Give me my keys. "
"Why? "
"Because you threw then at me. "
"You did realize that those keys are for my Honda. "
"Really." I nod.
"Ugh,  here. " He gives the keys to me and walks out. I follow. We walk all the way to where the others were sitting. I give to Blake.
"I'm tired. " I whine as he pulls me onto his lap.
"You wanna go? "I nod. We get up. I put my heels back on.
" What time is it? "
"1: 27."
"Seriously, what time did we get here? "
"Like 11."
"Ok well were leaving. " I say as I grab another beer.
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow. " Taliya says and hugs me. I say bye to the guys and we go to the car.
"Put that somewhere in case we get pulled over. " I tell Blake and give him the corona. I pull out and start to drive home. My phone rings.
"It's your dad. "
"Put it on speaker. "
"Ali, where are you? "
"I was at a party. I'm on my way home now. "
"Well your mom was looking for you. She needed help with the party on Friday. "
"Oh I forgot about that. I thought she rescheduled it for next month. "
"No.the black and white was supposed to be in October. But then she rescheduled for this Friday. "
"Ok whatever. I'm here. " I pull into the garage.
"Ok. I guess you mom doesn't need you anymore. "
"Seriously." I say but he hung up. I get out and Blake hands me the corona. I open it and chug half of it. I tissue blue my keys si he can unlock the door. When we walk in I see Fernanda on the couch and dad coming into the living room.
'Drunk already? "He smirks.
" Not even close. "I say. I go into the kitchen and see my mom sitting at the island on her laptop. I go to the fridge and grabbed a container that had fajitas. I put it in the microwave and waited for it to be done. I finished the corona and sat next time my mom. I laid my head on her shoulder as Blake Sat across from us.
" You tired? "She asked.
" Yea. "I get up when the microwave dings. I get two forks and hand one to Blake. We Sat and ate in silence. When we were finished we got up and went upstairs. Not after saying goodnight to my parents and Fernanda. We went upstairs and changed clothes. We laid in bed.
" When are you flying to New York? "
"Monday. Are you gunna come with me? "
"I don't know. Maybe. "
"Ok well I'm tied so I'mma go to sleep. Night. "
"Night princessa. " He kissed my for head as I fell asleep.

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