chapter 27

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I am backstage waiting for Hanna and the others. My nerves skyrocketed. The auditorium is full. This is the worst. I see Zeke with a microphone. He walks on stage and the crowd gets quiet.
"Hey everyone. Today is music talent or whatever bit I have no music talent. I am willing to make a fool out of myself for my best friend who is more like a sister. So I am going to sing with her because I know she is really nervous. So if you will help me calm her nerves then we can start. " He finishes and walks over to me.
"What are you doing? " I ask.
"Being the best brother ever. I am going to embarrass myself to help you with your song which is Rabiosa by Shakira. You need someone to sing pitbulls part and I volunteered. "
"Aww thank. That means so much. Ooh and my favorite song by Shakira. We got this. " I say and walk onto the stage. I wait for Zeke who has the microphones. He puts the stands down and I stand in front of one waiting for the music.

If you don't get enough I'll make it double
I got my boy now in big, big trouble
You know I want you atracao' ahí (ratata)
You've got a lot of that sex appeal
Don't play around because I'm for real
You see that road isn't meant for me
You know I want you amarrao' aquí
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
Yo soy rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
If you don't get enough I'll make it double
I'm tryin to have fun and I love you
But you want me atracao ahí (ratata)
You got a lot of sex appeal
Now baby I'm for real
You see that road isn't meant for me
You know I want you amarrao' aquí
Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye mami
I like your mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
Yo soy rabiosa, rabiosa
Closer, come pull me closer
Oye mami
Let me get that mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye mami
I like your mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca
Oye papi
If you like it mocha
Come get a little closer
And bite me en la boca"we finish.

The crowd is howling with applause and whistles. That was fun. After everyone calmed down Mr. Gomez dismissed everyone to their next class. When I was walking on the hallway to my class my phone started buzzing. It was the hospital.
(Dr=Dr. Rosalie. A= Alejandra)
Dr: hello this is Dr. Rosalie. Is this a good time to talk?
A: yes. Why are you calling?
I lean against the lockers. The halls are starting to get deserted.
Dr: I was looking over your sisters x rays because I had a feeling that something wasn't right. I was right. I really don't want to do this over the phone. Would you mind coming to my office?
A: no not at all I'm on my way.
I start to walk out. I reach the door and swipe my ID.
Dr: my office is on the fifth floor. Room 537.
A: ok I will be there.

I hang up and start the car. My heart is pounding. I hope nothing is wrong but then why is she calling me into her office. Monica had so many test done to her anything could've popped up. X rays cat scans MRIs and blood work. Everything was done to her and they didn't have the results to everything for a couple weeks. I get a couple calls. One from dad, Blake and Hanna. I ignore them all. After 20 minutes I pull up to the hospital. I walk in and go to the elevator and press 5.i wait until the doors open on the 5th floor. I walk to 537 and knock.
"Come in." I open the door and enter.
"Close the door and take a seat. " I do as she says and when I'm seated she grabs a file.
"I want to tell you something first. Don't jump to conclusions. Wait and let me explain. I talked to your mom earlier. She wanted me to tell you the  tomorriw she will bring in Monica so I can tell her. " I nod.
"Ok so. I was looking at the x rays for her abdomen and I seen something. I seen a tumor. A fibroid tumor. Fibroids are benign tumors that can grow on the fibrous or connective tissue of any organ. Uterine fibroids are common and can cause vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or discomfort, and urinary incontinence. They can be "soft" or "hard" depending on the proportion of fibers to her case hers need surgical removal. In time it can become cancerous. But if we remove it now, it will not reappear. Which means she will never have cancer but if she ever does it will be a completely different kind. Do you understand what I'm saying? "
"So she won't get cancer from this tumor. "
"No.that is why we are removing it. It could become cancerous in the future if we don't remove it now. "
"Ok. That's it? Nothing else I should know? "
"No but if there is, I will call you. Remind your sister of her appointment tomorrow with Dr. Brown. For her wrist. "
"Will do. Thank you doctor. " I get up and walk out and into the elevator. Then I walk out to my car. My baby sister could had cancer if the doctor didn't notice the tumor. My eyes start to water. I try to keep it in because I'm driving. Trying doesn't help. I'm crying. I make it home though. I pull into the driveway and walk inside. I go upstairs to my floor and sit in the living room. I just sit there. Not moving. Just staring at the wall. I don't know for how long but the same thought keeps running through my mind.
She could gotten cancer.
She could gotten cancer.
She could gotten cancer.
She could gotten cancer.
She could gotten cancer.
She could gotten cancer.
"Ali.where were you? You weren't supposed to leave school. " I hear Blake. I look at him. He look worried , confused, and beyond pissed. I shrugged.
"Why did you leave? Then blatantly ignore everyone when we called. " He shouted. I didn't answer.
"No answer? You dissapeared for 2 hours and ignored everyone when we tried to find you. Now your not going to tell me where you were! " He shouted again.
"YOU WANNA KNOW WHERE I WAS? I WAS AT THE HOSPITAL TALKING TO MONICA'S DOCTOR!  I WAS TOLD THAT IF HER DOCTOR DIDN'T LOOK OVER HER X RAYS AGAIN THAT SHE WOULD BE LIVING WITH CANCER!!  SHE HAS A TUMOR THAT HAS TO BE SURGICALLY REMOVED BEFORE IT TURNS INTO CANCER! ! SHE COULD'VE GOTTEN FIBROSARCOMA IF HER DOCTOR HADN'T HAD A GUT FEELING THAT SHE WAS MISSING SOMETHING!! SO NO! I HAVE NO ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION! I WAS TO BUSY WORRYING ABOUT MY ONLY BABY SISTER! ! "I yelled. I don't care if Monica heard but it was unlikely. I walk out and to the game room on the second floor. I know the others we're outside the door and heard every word and saw where I went. Good thing they have never been to the second floor. They would get lost. I go to the bowling room and put my phone by the speaker so the Bluetooth will work .I sat on the couch in there and waited for the music to start. When it did it was loud. Just how I like it.

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