chapter 55

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"Mom! You can't do that. " I said following her into the kitchen downstairs.
"Yes I can! What were you thinking anyway!? "
"I didn't even know it was there!  I don't know who put it there! *
" You don't know who put beer in your car. Then you were speeding!  So you have no idea why I got a call to come down to the station because my daughter and her boyfriend were in possession of alcohol when they're underage! Dammit Ali! That is embarrassing. I am having the black and white party next week and everyone there will know about this. Your grounded for a month. Give me both of your car keys, your phone, your house key, and all of your credit cards. You are going to find a way to get money to pay me back. "She stops and says to me. I give her my school lanyard with all of my keys, my phone and my credit cards. I also give her the 50 dollars I have in my purse. I turn and go upstairs and grab my laptop. I make my way back to her and hand it to her.
" Now I'm going to let you go to practice. Got ready because Jess will have to drive you. "
"Jess doesn't even have a car. Well not here anyway. " I mutter.
"Yea she does. Now get out of here. Before I restrict you from playing volleyball to. " She says and walks out of the room. I wanna cry. I really messed up. This time there a no one I can blame but myself.
"ALEJANDRA MARIA GONZALES!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!" I jump and walk out of my room. I walk down the stairs to see my dad at the bottom. He looked beyond pissed. I stopped and was hesitant to speak.
"Yea." I said shakily.
"What gives you the idea to get arrested for having alcohol in your car when your not old enough. "
"I seriously didn't know it was there. But the speeding part was a different matter. "I said looking down.
" Speeding! You were speeding!? Oh Señor. este niño será la muerte de mí. "He muttered walking away. I raised a eyebrow. (Oh Lord. This child will be he death of me.) I shake my head and walk back to my room. I go to the game room and sit at the bar. I stand behind the counter and think about what I want. In the end I just grab a water bottle. I walk out and upstairs to my room. I go into my closet and change into pajamas.

I walk out and grab my glasses and take out my contacts

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I walk out and grab my glasses and take out my contacts. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror at my red dyed hair.

 I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror at my red dyed hair

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I look at myself and wonder what is wrong with me. I have always been trouble since I started middle school with Taliya. I have tattoos and dyed hair. I was arrested today for having alcohol in my possession when I'm underage plus I was speeding. I just wonder if I could been any different. I want to be different. I don't want to disappoint my parents. I shake my head and go into my room.I sit on my bed and look around my room to see what I could do. I see my guitar that my abuela got me. I go over and grab it. I get under the blanket but it's only covering my legs and I sit with my back against the headboard. I mess around and strum random cords. My door opens and Blake walks in.
"Where were you? "
"At my house. My mom was home. " He sets his keys on the nightstand.
"I thought she wasn't coming back for awhile. "
"Yea well she called me and she said to come home. She nearly grounded me. " He goes into the closet.
"Yea well my mom grounded me for a month. She took everything. Even my credit cards. Then dad came home beyond pissed. He said I'd be the death of him. " Blake chuckles and walks out in his boxers. He sits on the bed next to me.
"Alejandra! " I heard on the intercom. I groan and get out of bed and walk over to the wall.
"I called your coach and she said that you do not have to play the game tomorrow. "
"What! " I shriek and run down to my mom's room.
"Mom you can't do this! "
"Yes I can and I did. It's just for this game. You don't even have to be there. You can stay home. It's only Wednesday. "
"What does today have to do with it. The game is tomorrow. "
"Just go back upstairs ad go to sleep. " I groan and leave the room.
"Remember, school starts back up on Monday. " Dad yells after me. I walk back upstairs and fall face first on the bed. Blake rubs my back.
"Hey don't sweat it. It's only one game. "
"I know but what am I gunna do tomorrow. "
"Hang up all of the clothes that you bought. "
"That'll only take a few minutes. "
"Then come with me to practice.  "I groan. I scoot over and lay my head on his lap. He runs his fingers through my hair.
" I like the way you did your hair. "
"Thanks. I love you. "
"I love you to. "
"I hate Shakespeare and Gosling and cakes with white frosting
Two names in a heart-shaped tattoo
I think cupid is stupid and violets are purple not blue
I hate catching bouquets, the honeymoon phase
And letterman jackets don't fit
Your eyes can't hold stars and you'd die if your heart really skipped"I sang quierly. Blake smiles.
"Do you know what I don't get? " I asked Blake.
"No what? "
"I don't get how we can't stay broken up. " I run my head to look at him.
"We broke up on Sunday and its Wednesday. We couldn't even last three days. " I said.
"Yea and I'm glad because you two are great together. "I look over and see my mom. She comes and sits next to me. She set down my phone and keys then puts my laptop on my desk.
" What are you doing? "
"Giving you back your staff. I am keeping your credit cards though. And your still not playing your game. That's your punishment for getting pulled over. "
"Why the sudden change if heart? "
"Just shut up. I'm not that mean. "
"Yes you are! " Dad yells. I snicker.
"Well ok. Can you leave now? " I ask.
"Sure but use condoms. "
"I threw my pillow at her but she shut the door. Blake chuckled.
" She's just like you. "
"Did you hear our new statuses at school? "Blake asked.
"No."I said and grabbed my laptop. I sat on the bed cross legged and logged into Facebook. I seen two things.
1: there will be another new student.
2: me and Blake are bad asses.

" I don't get it. Magdalena said I'm a bad ass tomboy. How am I a bad ass? "I ask Blake.
" Because your hot,  you don't give a shit about what anyone says and you get into trouble. Oh and don't forget the tattoos. "He said looking at  the screen.
" That doesn't mean I'm a bad ass. "
"You fit all the requirements. "
"Why do we even have labels? "
"Because that's how our high school works. I just can't wait to see the new student. "
"Me too. Anyway how was your mom? "
"She's great. Has a new boyfriend. She wants us to go have dinner with them at home. Which reminds me. She gave me some stuff for you. One is your birthday present and the other is something for dinner Sunday. "
"Hmm. Have you seen him? "
"No. I don't want to talk about it anymore." I light off my laptop and set it on the nightstand. Blake grabs me and pulls me onto his lap.
"You OK? "I ask.
" Yea. I think. "
"Let's get some sleep. "
"Nooe. I wanna do something else. "
"Like what? "
"You know what. " He smikes. I smirk.
"What makes you think I'm giving you a second chance? "
"I know you. You can't last a day without Blake Jr. "
"Your so disgusting Blake! " I say and get off his lap. He laughs.
"I'm serious though. "
"Maybe. But we have to be quiet. "
"Ok! " He says and jumps on me. I not gunna get any sleep.

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