chapter 70

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"I'mma get some food! " Tatiana said.
"What? No! Hurry up! " I said.
"We have four hours to get ready! " Alyssa ran into the room.
"There's five of us! " Hanna said.
"Let's all take a shower then. There's like ten in the house. " We all got up and ran to a bathroom.

3 hours later and we're doing our hair and makeup. I'm straightening everyone's hair. I'm braiding Tatiana's hair right now.
"Ali? "
"Yeah " I look up at Blake. I have my dress on but no make up and my hair is in a messy bun.
"Your sister needs help. "
"Which one? "
"With what? "
"What dress to wear. "
"Tell her... To come up here. I have something for her. " He walks out if the room.
"Hey can you curl my hair? " Hanna asks.
"I just straitened it. "
"Curl it. " I sigh a she switched so it's with Tatiana. I start on her hair.
"Hey." Fern says as she walks in.
"Come here. " I day and see follows men into the closet. I need something little innocent because she's 16. I find one dress that I haven't worn since I got it last year.
"Here. Put it on and then come out. I wanna see it. " She nods and I start on Hanna's hair again.
"Damn girl! You looking fine! " Tatiana says. I turn and see Fernanda.


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"Damn. You don't look 16." I said.
"I think you look better than Ali did in that dress. " Jess says. Islam her arm.
"How is that possible when we're practically twins.! She's not wrong though. You do Lok better than me. " I say. She smiles.
"Thanks. "
"Your welcome. Keep it after. I suits you. " I tell her.
"Really? " I nod. She walks out of the room. I finish Jess's hair.
"My turn. " I sit in the chair and Alyssa starts on my hair. I Skype Sierra. She accepts and her face pops up on my laptop. She's in her pajamas.
"Girl it's 10! I'm tired. " She whines. I snicker.
"It's 10 and you're tired. Really? Where is Jonathan? " I ask referring to her best friend.
"He is with his mom.  She lives in Ohio. " I smirk.
"Your really bored. Aren't you? "
"Then go to sleep. I'll call you later. "
"Ok." She hangs up. "
"Wow. She just hung up. "
"Yep." I say.
"Finished." I look in the mirror. Not bad I grab a random pair of black heels.
"Ali! Rebecca called.The guests are starting to arrive. " Mom says over the intercom.
"We're coming! " I say back. We grab our stuff. We head downstairs.
"Finally." Dad muttered.
"Shut up. There was four of us that had to get ready. "
"Ok." He held his hands up.
"Why did you get a limo? " I ask.
"It's your mom. " I just nod. Everything had to be perfect for my mom.
It's been 3 hours and my feet are killing me. I go out to the back. I see Blake. He's talking to Sam.
"Hey baby. " Blake says. I walk right past him and to Sam. I hug him really tight.
"Wow." I hear Blake mutter.
"Where were you? I haven't seen you in nearly two weeks. " I said.
"I've been with your cousin. "
"Who I just seen today. "
"Hello, your boyfriend here. Did you forget about me? " Blake whines.
"No I didn't. " I pull back from Sam, just to be pulled into Blake. I pull away do I can sit next to him.
"So what is the point to this party? "
"My mom and dads job. "
"Well I'd be ashamed if you were my daughter. " Sam said.
"Why? " I ask.
"Look at how your dressed. "
"Well what about your girlfriend. She's dressed the exact same way. Skin tight dress that goes to her mid thigh. High heels. But wait, you like that. "I retort.
" Shut up. "
"Yea that's what I thought. " I smirk. Blake slaps my thigh. I shriek.
"What the hell Blake! " He puts his hand over my mouth.
"Shut up. Look. " He points to the doorway. I see Giana. Blake's ex. They dated for a couple months back in sophomore year.
"What is she doing here. She wasn't invited " I say. My anger is rising by the second.
"Her dad was. " Blake says.
"Her dad work with your dad. Or that's what I heard. " She spots us and comes over here. She stops right in front of me.
"Can I talk to you. " She asks me. I roll my eyes and get up. She smiles at Blake but when she turn to me it's pure fake.
"Let's walk. " I say. We start walking down the sidewalk.
"He'll never love you. " Was the first thing she said.
"Why wouldn't he? "
"He deserves someone better. "
"That didn't answer my question. "
"He won't love you because what we had was real. "
"If it was si real, why did you cheat? " She comoleatly dodges my question.
"He deserves someone better. "
"Someone like you? " We stop walking. I turn and face her.
"Yea, someone who isn't damaged or who isn't self absorbed. Someone who doesn't have daddy issues. "All kinds of thing were running through the my head. Maybe she was right. Maybe Blake really doesn't love me.
" You're not getting to me. You're his ex remember. I'm hid girlfriend and he loves me. He loves me so much we talked about marriage. "My voice was getting Horace. I was lying. And she new it. We never talked about that. We have only argued about having kids.
" You're lying. You know and I know that what I'm saying is true. Just end it right now. Then he could be rightfully mine. "She smirks. I don't know what happened. It all went so fast. All I know is that there are people screaming and I'm on top of her. There's blood on her face and mine. I don't feel the pain. I didn't even know she hit me. My knuckles are busted. Someone pulls me off if her. Her dad rushes over to her.
" Alejandra! "My dad booms. I stop struggling and that's when I see the crowd and my dad holding me back.
" We'll talk about this later, José. "Her dad was as my dad pulls me inside. Everyone inside just stares me and Giana both look like a mess as we're pushed in I a room with a desk. The managers room. Both of us are pushed into a chair. They go and stand behind the desk.
Here we go again

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