chapter 36

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Ciara is 3 years old and aboudolutly adorable. She is currently running around the living room. Blake is chasing her.
Awi. Awi. "She screams in her cute baby voice.
" What's up mamas. "I say and look at her.
" Bwake gunna get me. "She squealed.
" Blake stop. "
"Because.she needs to take a breath. "He stops and comes sit next to me.
" Why don't you want a kid? "
"I never said I didn't. I just said not now. "

"Ok. Damn you don't have to get all mad about it. "
"I told you this before though. Why do you keep bringing it up? " I said getting frustrated.
"Ciara, will you go get Tatiana please. " She runs out the room and to the guest room. A couple minutes later she walks in holding Ciara.
"What? "
"Will you watch her for a hour or two? "
"Where are you going? "
"I'll pay you half if what Marcella is paying me. " I avoid her question.
"Sure. I know your avoiding the question. Where are you going? "
"I have practice. "
"For what? "
"You have practice? " Blake asked.
"Yea. Apparently it's not a school related thing or whatever. I just got a email. We have practice. Will you go tell Jess we have practice. " I ask Tatiana.  She nods and leaves the room with Ciara. I go and change into the clothes I practice in.

Jess bursts in

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Jess bursts in.
"We have practice today? " She said.
"Yea and we get our uniforms. First game is Friday. " I tell after her because she is tuunning out.
I walk out and grab my Nike's. I out them on and grab my duffle bag. It had all of my gear and my clothes for after I shower. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my water bottle.
"JESS I'LL BE IN THE CAR. " I yelled and walked out. I was going to take my car but I desired to take the Escalade instead. I hopped in and waited for Jess.
Jess got in the car 5 minutes later.
"I'm ready. " She said. I started the car and drove to the school. When we got to the school it looked normal. All the police tape and everything was gone. We get out grab our bags and walk in. We walk down the rest hallways to the gym.
"Hello ladies. "Coach Ainsley said.
" Hello coach. "We said back.
" Put your things down and stretch. We're running drills today. "We nodded and did as she said. We say down and stretched.

A whistle blows.
" Hit the showers. "Coach shouts. Me and Jess walk to the showers. We were there for three hours.
" I can't believe this. I'm so out of shape. That's what I hate about the beginning of the season. "
"Be lucky you only play volleyball. "
"I wanted to play softball. Then I decided not to. "
"You made a good choice. "
20 minutes later we were in the car driving back home. The song Eyes Closed by Halsey came on. Jess turned it up.

"I, I know where to lay
I know what to say
It's all the same
And I, I know how to play
I know this game
It's all the same
Now if I keep my eyes closed he looks just like you
But he'll never stay, they never do
Now if I keep my eyes closed he feels just like you
But you've been replaced
I'm face to face with someone new
Would've gave it all for you, cared for you
So tell me where I went wrong
Would've gave it all for you, cared for you
(My lover, my liar)
Would've trade it all for you, there for you
So tell me how to move on
Would've trade it all for you, cared for you
(My lover, my liar)
Now if I keep my eyes closed he looks just like you
But he'll never stay, they never do
Now if I keep my eyes closed he feels just like you
But you've been replaced
I'm face to face with someone new
They don't realize that I'm thinking about you
It's nothing new, it's nothing new
Now if I keep my eyes closed he looks just like you
But he'll never stay, they never do
Now if I keep my eyes closed he feels just like you
But you've been replaced
I'm face to face with someone new"we sang.
When the song was done we stopped at the red light. I looked to my left and seen Taliya and Blake at Starbucks. I looked down. I'm thinking, I wonder what's he's doing. Ya know. The light turns green and I take off down the highway. The highway runs along the beach so I pull into the lot and park.
"What are we doing here? " Jes asks.
"Call Tatiana and the others. Tell them to come here. Don't call Blake though. Tell Tatiana I have Clara's swimsuit. " She nods and takes out her phone. I take off my tank. I'm left with my spanx and sports bra. I go and start running along the shore.
About 20 minutes later Jess finds me. She starts jogging along side me.
"What's up. "
"We just came from a hard practice and you're running again. Something is up. "
"Nothing. I just need to release some stress. Especially with Monica's surgery next week. "
"Oh. How you doing with that. "
"Just glad she's getting the help she needs. I love her and don't want anything to happen to her. " We stop and I bend over with my hands on my knees.
"We should go back. They'll be here any minute. " I nid and we start to jog back.
20 minutes later we make it back to see everyone pull up. I fall on the sand and just lay there.
"You shouldn't have done that. " Hanna says.
"Done what. "
"Ran after your first practice. You'll be sore tomorrow. " I just flipped her off.
"Fuck off. I like to be fit. " I said. My breathing hard.
"Whatever just come swim when you catch your breath. " I give her a thumbs up. Everyone was swimming in the shallow part. Playing around with Ciara. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest. I just stare out into the ocean. I wonder how far it stretches out. I sit for a while. The breeze flowing through my hair. I just enjoy it.

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