chapter 49

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We pull up to Rubens and get out. We walk up to the front door and I knock. 5 seconds later, Ruben opens the door.
"Hey. How are you? "
"I'm good. How about you? " I say as he let's us in.
"I'm doin good. Follow me. " We walked past the family room past the kitchen and into the basement. His basement is like another little apartment.
"Wait here. " He says when we enter. He grabs the box by the bedroom door then enters the bedroom. When he comes back out with the same box I give him a confused look.
"Don't give me that face. Open the box. "I crouch down and pull the flaps open. I see a little puppy.
" Oh my god! He's so cute! "I say

 " Oh my god! He's so cute! "I say

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What breed is he? "I ask.
" A shi Tzu "he said.
" Did you name him already? "I ask looking up.
" No. I was actually waiting for you to do that. Oh and I bought him toys some food well all of the essentials. We were just waiting for you. "He said.
" Hmm what should I name you? I'll name you...leo.. "I said.
" Why Leo.? "Taliya asked. I shrugged.
" It was the first name that popped in my head. Another one popped up but I was like no. "I said.
" What was the second name? "Tatiana asked.
" Stitch. "I said.
" Oh god. You are stitch. "Tatiana said.
" That's true. "Uncle Ruben said.
" I am? "I ask.
" Yes. I barley hang around you and I know that. "Taliya said
"Oh Cállate. la única razón por la que no nos juntamos el uno con el otro fue porque siempre luchamos." I said.  (Shut up the only reason we didn't hang out was because we always fought. )
"Ok well we're gunna leave. Thanks soo much uncle Ruben. " I said hugging him.
"You're welcome. Tell your mom to call me. "
"Ok. Bye. " I pick up Leo and a couple of the bags while the girls grab the rest. We walk out to the car and get in. Leo curls up on my lap as we drive off.
"Hey will you take me home. I'mma drop this stuff of that we got at the mall. "I said
"I thought you were staying with me. "Tatiana said.
" I am. I'm just gunna get my SUV and a bag so I won't have to keep wearing your clothes. "
"Ok. Taliya do you need to do the same? "
"No I have the clothes we got at the mall. And when I run out of have clothes in my car. " She said. We nodded.  After a few minutes we pull up to my house. I get out and put Leo on the seat. I take his leash out of the bag and out it on him.
I grab some bags and put Leo on the ground. We walk inside and I am bombarded by my mom.
"Where have you been? "
"With my wonderful cousin. We went shopping. I needed to drop off these bags. I need a bag of clothes and my car. " Leo barks.
"Who is this? " My mom said.
"Leo. Ruben got him for me. Oh and he wants you to call. "
"For what? "
"I don't know. He didn't say. "
"Ok well you better hurry. "
"Ok I'll see you tomorrow. " I kiss her cheek. I walk upstairs with Leo following me. I walk past the bedroom and straight to my closet. I drop all the bags and let Leo go. He lays on the bench. I put up all of my clothes. I grab my duffle for volleyball. I put all of my stuff in there then grab another duffle. I grab like six outfits I throw them into the duffle and grab random pairs of shies. I grab my makeup bag and walk into my bathroom and get my toothbrush and curler and flat iron. I get everything I need from the bathroom and walk back and put them into my duffle. I zip it up and grab my laptop. I put it in my laptop bag. I grab my bags and get my purse. I grab my keys and Leo's leash and walk down to the car. I put Leo in the passenger seat and put the bags in the back. I get in the car and pull out of the garage. Tatiana is still here. I signal for her to follow. We drive out and start to her house.
"Shit! " I say and step on the brakes. My phone starts budding I tap answer on the dash.
"What the hell was that?! " Tatiana yells.
"I forgot something. "
"What did you forget? " Taliya asked.
"My guitar. " Tatiana sighed.
"Alright let's go back. " So we did. We turned around and we went back. I left the car on but ran inside. I was to focused on hurrying that I didn't notice everyone in my room. I grabbed my guitar and ran out of the room.
"Ali. Leo got out. " I heard mom yell. He came runnin up the stairs and nearly tripped me.
"Woah buy. Slow down. He stopped and sat at my feet. " Everyone was at the top of the stairs.
"Where did the dog come from? " Zeke asked.
"Uncle Ruben. " I said.
"But I gotta go. I'll see you Thursday. " I grabbed Leo leash and ran the ready if the way down the stairs and out of the house. I put it in the back of my car and got in. I put Leo in the passenger seat again. We drove out of my huge driveway again. I seen everyone come out of the house and stand in the driveway. Tatiana followed with Taliya in the passenger. I pressed call when I hit Tatianas name in my dash.
"What? "
"Wanna go to the beach. Taliya can you call the guys. "
"Yep doing that now. "
"I guess but we don't have anything. "
"I have like 5 bikinis. "
"Ok we'll follow you. "
"Alright." I hang up and drive to the beach.

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