Before the blasts could even hit her, Rin did a backflipped through the air. Just when she was about to land, she kicked two of the androids heads sending them flying.

It seemed like the androids didn't like to be kept waiting as they kept coming one after another. Rin barely managed to dodge their attacks even with her arms cuffed.

Rin leaped through the air and landed a few feet from the rampaging androids. Her only thoughts were to break free from the handcuffs restraining her hand but no matter how hard she tried to break them, it was pointless. That's when she realized that the handcuffed were covered by Nen.

"Damn it!"

Before Rin could do anything, the androids dashed towards her. All she could do was to fight using her legs alone. It was hard and she's growing tired by the second. Their attacks were endless and Rin knew it better than to let her guard down even a second.


She was thrown across the ground crashing a tall tree behind her with a loud thump.

Rin dropped to the ground while panting hard. She's exhausted and she knew it. Turning into a Super Saiyan out of anger earlier did drain a lot of energy and her escape from the hideout didn't make it any better.

It's a clear dead end.

Their heavy footsteps kept on approaching and all she could do was lying beneath the tree.


Rin eyes widened in realization.

A tree...?

She looked around to examine her surroundings only to find herself in a forest. Using her heightened sense, she could tell that she was far away from the civilian.

Step. Step. Step.

Rin returned her attention towards her invader and smirked. Looking at the androids in front of her, Rin raised up from the ground while clutching her injured abdomen.

"You know what, I'm already in a bad mood as it is. Would it be alright for me to vent it out on you guys?" Her fiery black eyes glared at the androids that started to rush towards her.

A mischievous smirk escaped her lips as she screamed at the top of her lung again.


Her once black hair flashed gold and the blazing golden flame-like aura engulf her strengthened body

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Her once black hair flashed gold and the blazing golden flame-like aura engulf her strengthened body. The wavelength of her Nen sent the androids flying backward along with the fallen leaves around her.

Turning into a Super Saiyan made it easy for Rin to crushed the shackles restraining her hands. Now, with her arms free, she stretched out her arms and leg and did a simple warm up before turning her attention towards the androids. Her cerulean blue eyes glared down at her enemies.

See You ✮ 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝑿𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑿 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏 𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя