“She’s right. Tell her Alice,” Carlisle stated in his fatherly tone. Most the time I talk to him, he always makes me feel better but it wasn’t working now.

“Jane will be here in a little under the hour. I saw us meeting in the clearing in the middle of the woods,” Alice said. “The one from before,” she continued, addressing everyone in the room except me. They all had a knowing look on their face. We were going to the clearing where I had first seen them all those months ago.

“Well, we don’t have a lot of time. So if you want a brush up on fighting just in case then I’ll be in the backyard. Otherwise, we need to leave in thirty minutes,” Jasper said. Emmett, Edward, and most of the pack followed him out into the backyard. Embry gave me a quick kiss on the side of the head before rushing after them. The girls were running around the house doing who knows what. I could feel a headache forming and the tension was mounting in my shoulders. I needed some fresh air.

I quietly got up and made my way to the front door. Everyone was busy doing something so I wouldn’t be missed at the moment. I closed the door softly behind me. The footsteps sounded on the wood of the porch until I plopped down on the top step of the stairs.

“What am I going to do?” I ask myself. The sky was starting to grow dimmer. The light pink from the sun slowly falling was barely visible thanks to the dark clouds rolling in. The sight was strangely beautiful but only reminded me of the situation at hand. Everything had been perfect like the pink sky but that was all about to go bad. The upcoming storm was proof enough that my bad feeling was legitimate.

It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Even though I didn’t know what Jane’s motives were for coming to Forks now, I knew that it would undoubtedly change everything. If she didn’t tell them herself then she would probably just take me and cause an all out war. I didn’t want anyone potentially dying for me. I’ve been lying to them the whole time. I wasn’t worth it. I never intended for the past couple of months to turn out like it has but…I couldn’t bring myself to regret the decisions I have made up to this point.

“Lamia?” I heard Embry call from behind the closed door. The frantic footsteps told me he was following my scent. He’d find me soon enough. As if he heard me, Embry opened the front door. I looked over my shoulder at him before facing back to the yard where all the cars were parked.

“What’s wrong? And don’t tell me nothing because I know you better than you think,” Embry said taking his spot next to mine on the steps. I tried to collect all the thoughts that were swimming around in my head. With a sigh, I knew it wasn’t possible.

“I just have a bad feeling about this,” I said looking down at my hands that rested on top of my legs.

“It’s going to be fine. I won’t let anything happen to you,” Embry replied sliding closer to my side and placing his arm around my waist. I shook my head and glanced at him. His face held a determined expression but his eyes told another story. He was just as worried as I was.

“It’s not me that I’m worried about,” I mumbled as I rubbed my temples. Embry squeezed me closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and tried to enjoy the moment. I didn’t know if there would be another one this for a while or if at all.

“Do you love me Embry?” I asked, interrupting the previous silence. I knew in my heart that I loved him. I would go through whatever hell Jane would put me through once she and the rest of the Volturi found out that I had disobeyed them in order to keep him safe. I don’t why I asked. He’s told me several times that he loves me. I just need him to say it one more time.

“Of course I do. I love you with everything I have. Don’t ever doubt that,” Embry replied earnestly, moving so that he was kneeling in front of me. He cupped my face in his hands. The tears that I had pushed away earlier were trying to resurface once again.

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