.part thirty five.

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As I arrived in the driveway of the home I grew up in, the sun was setting along the horixon, signalling the end to another, terrible day. But if finally made it somewhere safe, where I can get away from everything.

My stomach grumbled as I approached the door, a emotionally draining day with no food had left me hungry and tired. A small knock on the door and I heard the shuffle of a chair and the excited squeal of my mother, opening the door.

"Hello there my boy! What the he'll are you doing here!"

"Just come for a wee break. I'm a bit tired out at the moment"

"Well you're welcome to stay here. Come in, come in. We're just eating supper. You can join your dad and I at the table aye!"

She let's me go from her embrace and I walk into the dining room to be met by my dad, and a surprise guest, my brother, Nick.

He hasn't really been around, he's always traveling and going to new places. I envied his life.

"Simon, my man. How's life going!"

Everyone was greeting me as I walked through the doorway, even Herb had run over to give me some of his precious attention.

As I sat down at the table I broke down, the tears began flowing and I began shaking uncontrollably.

I missed her so much, her smile, her face, her voice, her love.
I knew that she didn't care anymore.
She was just like me emotionally hurt. She's just been through so many different emotions and pains I don't know how she's still alive, yet somehow she soldiered on.

I missed her so god damn much. But there was no way in hell that I was going to be getting her back.


After he'd been gone for a total of a week I began to worry.

What if he'd been killed, then dumped in a ditch. Or maybe he'd been robbed and kidnapped for his money. Maybe he was having an affair with some Scottish woman, he drive to her house in the middle of bloody nowhere and he's been fucking her the entire time.

I had no clue at the point.

"Keira. You need to stop worrying about him. He screwed you over remember. He abandoned you when you needed him the most. Just forget it. Who cares is he's dead?"

"I DO!"

I scream at Will; who leans back in shock. Even though he did all of those things, he still had my trust, and love.

He did the right thing. He went to the cops and now Freezy's behind bars awaiting his sentence. He did what was best for me, and the rest of the women he's done this too.

It has been a rough month filled with ups and downs. Mainly downs. And plenty of emotions. Happiness, angriness, sadness, regret.

Regret was what is been feeling for the last few days. I felt awful. Hanging up the phone.

Talking is the only way im going to get through this mess i call my life.
And I need Simon to be with me.
And Will, I need Will too, I can't abandon everyone.

I need Simon.
He's like a pill I need to keep sane.

Sorry if this was shit; it's 1:30am, like usual.

Also soon I'm going to start writing on my laptop!! Woop woop!!

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