.part nine.

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I wake up and look at the time. 5am. I'd only been asleep for 2 hours. I lie back down in my bed and try and sleep but I can't. Fucking body clocks. I wake up and get out of my bed to get a drink. The minute I leave my cocoon known as my duvet I was hit by the cold. It honestly felt like it was -2 in the apartment. I grab my pink throw and put over my shoulder before heading out into the kitchen. I try and shuffle as quietly as possible. I'm pretty sure Josh and Simon left last night but I think Freya's still here in Gee's Room. I walk into the living room and see Simon shivering in his sleep on the couch. Poor thing. He'll be freezing. I quickly grab a glass of water and wake Simon up.

"Simon, Simon" I shake him lightly and whisper his name. He eventually stirs and wakes up.

"Fuck its cold" he says to me as he sits up.

"Come with me" I knew this was going to be extremely awkward but it's to cold for him to just be sleeping on the couch without a blanket. I bring him into my room and shut my door on the way in to keep the room as warm as it could be and let him climb into my bed with me, his t shirt and trackpants still on.

"It was to cold for you out there, I felt bad, so this is a one time thing ok?" I tell him as he blankly stares at me.

"Fine then, thanks for actually letting me in your bed though, I thought you were going to hate me after last night?"

"Na, I never would have been angry at you, just slightly uncomfortable but because your cool, so I don't really mind" I smile at him and he regains that twinkle in his eye that he usually has.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now, good night Simon" I shuffle a little closer to him and plant a small kiss on his cheek, just to test his reaction. I stay facing him and I can see his eyes widen and his mouth form a smile. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to his and we hug to stay warm during the night. I look at him as we fall asleep. He looked so perfect, his dimple slightly showing, his hair messy and his eyes beautiful sea blue eyes closed. Maybe I do really like him. Maybe.

I wake up and see Simon, who was peacefully sleeping next to me. His limbs tangled with mine, trying to keep warm. My head was basically resting on his chest. Then I remembered why he was in my bed. He was cold and sleeping on the couch and then I felt bad so I told him that he could come into my bed. I remember trying to figure out my emotions towards him. I feel his body begin to move beside me and I look over to see that he's awake now.

"Hey there" He says is his low raspy voice.

"Hi" He gives me a smile before he tries to hop out of my bed.

"No please don't leave, your warm, can you stay for another like 10 minutes?" He was like my 6"2 bed heater.

"I thought that you said this was a one time thing" Simon says to me as he tries to get out bed.

"Yeah its still a one time thing if you don't get out if bed" I say to him as I tug at his torso, trying to pull him back into bed.
"Fine 10 minutes, but I need to get home to film some videos" He says and gives in. He clambered back into bed and snuggled in right beside me.


He wraps his arms around my body and pulls me close, trying to stay as warm as possible. Eventually 10 minutes turned into 20 minutes and 20 minutes turned into 30 minutes.

"Ok I really need to go back home to the house so that I can record my videos." He says and begins to clamber out from underneath the duvet.


He stops trying to get up and turns around to look at me.


I quickly lean in and give him a kiss, he almost instantly kissed back. It just felt so right yet so wrong. But we couldn't stop and after our mini make out session, he got out of bed and got into his shoes and hoodie and heads out to the front door. I grab my fluffy pink throw and wrap it around my shoulders and follow him until the front door. I quickly look outside through the big window in the living room and have to do a double take. Snow? In June?

"Simon, snow" I say almost whispering from shock.

We both instantly run to the window and look down on London, which had been covered in a fresh powder of snow. Basically everything looked white, it was beautiful.

"Fuck, that means I won't be able to get home until later on I should have gone back last night before the snow started" he says mentally face palming. He pulls out his phone and checks which roads are open.

"Ugh only one of the roads that lead back to the house is open but it would take me like 5 hours because of all the traffic." He says, the tension in the air was so thick it was taking away my oxygen.

"You could use Will's computer?" I tried to give him some form of hope.

"I can't use his computer and console, I need mine because mine has all my games on it. Stupid.." I feel slightly guilty that this happened, I head back into my room and flop onto my bed.

"I've ruined Simon's day, yay great job Keira" I say out loud to myself in my room.

"You haven't ruined my day", why do you think that?" Simon asks from the doorway looking slightly sad. He had obviously followed me to my room.

"Well if it weren't for me then you would have gone home last night and been able to post all your videos." He walks into my room and sits down on my bed.

"You haven't ruined my day, to be honest you've made it even better... Look I've got an idea, put on some really warm clothes, I'll wait for you in the living room." He quickly rushes out of my room and shuts the door. I quickly put on my sidemen trackpants, my favourite beanie which is a knitted white with a pink Pom Pom on top. my pink woolly top and my north face wind and rain proof jacket. I chuck on my thick warm socks and my brand new yeezys before grabbing my phone and heading into the living room.

"Is this good?" I ask Simon who's on his phone, probably texting someone.

"Perfect, let's go" he takes my hand and leads me down the hall and into the elevator. We head down to the ground floor and head out on it the street and into his range rover.

"Ok, I want you to close your eyes when we get close to where were going to." I just nod my head in agreement. He reached into the glove box and got out a pair of glasses that he has to wear when he drives.

"Awh what a cutie in his glasses" I say to him and pinch his cheeks.

"Stop otherwise I might have to kiss you again" He tells me as he starts up the car.

"Maybe I would like that" I say to him with a wink. He looks at me straight in the eye for at least a minute before beginning to drive to the mystery location.

"I was looking forward to that kiss" I tell him and look at him with puppy dogs.

"You'll get one when we get there, good deal?"


I didn't even know where we were going, but we've been driving for about 40 minutes.

"Ok Key close your eyes" Simon tells me as we turn off the main motorway.

"Ok..." I place my hands over my eyes and just wait till he tells me to take them off. I quickly swap so that I'm using only one hand to cover both of my eyes. I use the other one to hold onto Simon's arm. I felt the car come to a standstill.

"Ok, so I'm going to lead you outside and then I'm going to to tell you to open your eyes, ok" I just nod again, I was to excited to speak.

I felt him hold onto my waist as he helped me out of the car. He shut my door and locked the car and lead me, with one hand on my waist and another holding my hand, about 50m before telling me I could open my eyes.

"Oh my god is this..."

"Yes it it"

"Thorpe park in the snow!!"


If any if the times for example 40mins to Thorpe park, are wrong I'm sorry. I am from New Zealand which is one of the most far away countries from England, so forgive me if I am wrong about direction, Time etc etc

Thankyou xxx


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