Chapter 83 :

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I woke up to a soft heart beat. Confused, I lifted my head slowly, realising it was Jesse, my heart skipped a beat. "Holy fuck" I whispered. What did I do? Why am I sleeping on his chest? Why are we on the hospital floor? Just as I began to get up Jesse stirred.
His eyes fluttered open to reveal his mesmerised eyes. "Uh hi" he half smiled and sat up, leaving his back leaning against the wall.
"Um, I'm sorry" I copied his actions and I sat up


"I shouldn't of broken down, you probably think I'm crazy, how I'm always-" my mind sort of blocked her out with my own thoughts. My heart raced a little faster and before she could say another word I smashed my lips against hers.
They moved in sinc, my hands cupping her face and her soft lips dancing with mine. Boy did I miss this, I began to deepen the kiss, slowly tugging on her bottom lip when I was interrupted by a loud flat line beep causing us to pull away and our eyes diverted to Maxi.
Suddenly nurses all rushed in through the doors and I managed to get up, pulling Violet with me.
"What's happening" her shaky voice questioned
"Make a bed ready in resus" a nurse yelled to another.

Resus. No. This can't be happening.


Minute after minute, hour after hour of sitting in a plastic chair, staring at the door that read resus it was painful. Is he alive ?

"TRENT MAXWELL" a nurse had shouted through the small office that sat in the corner of the room. Jesse and I both immediately sprung to our feet and started running to the office

"Pop on through the door, a doctor will be on the other side" she pointed towards the door and it unlocked

"Thankyou" i nodded towards her in response. Jesse hadn't said a word in the 5 hours we have sat here. Nerves started to dance in the pit of my stomach whilst my mind prepared for the worst.

Jesse pushed on the door, revealing a doctor in a blue scrub, with a soft smile playing at his lips.

"Hello, I am Doctor Reinz " he held out his hands to shake and Jesse did so, introducing the both of us. "Walk with me" he began walking down the corridor, passing all the rooms making small talk.

"He wants to see you" he stopped at number 17 and gestured for us to enter. He's alive?

Jesse's hand intertwined with mine, and gave a small squeeze. I closed my eyes and pushed on the door to reveal a pale Maxi.

"MAXI" his eyes were heavy, his normal skin tone no longer there and his scruffy blonde hair swayed to the side. "I MISSED YOU" tears began to stream down my face, and I ran into his arms that he was struggling to open.

"Can't..breath" he whispered.

"Sorry" I let go and Jesse was next to wrap him in a huge hug.

"I heard everything you guys said, I was there, just not in my body. I'm glad you came back Vy" a small smile was plastered on his face.
"And jess, man I'm sorry for the whole incident"

"No dude stop. It wasn't your fault it was mine. Let's forget about it yeah? Are you ok? What happened? What did the doctor say?"

Whilst Jesse questioned him, I slipped out of the room to find Dr Reinz, he stood outside the room, talking to a young nurse when he happened to look up at me

"Ahh hello, Violet correct?" I nodded and questions danced at the tip of my throat "so Trent was in a horrible accident. His tyres had hit the curb of a corner, causing it to crash. Now the impact on his heart was very severe. His heart had slowed so dramatically , causing his mind to go into some sort of paralysis. This is known as Congestive Heart Failure. By the time he had made it to the hospital, nurses were left with the only option of putting him into an induced coma with hopes that his body would be able to heal over time. Now without to much more information, Trent will be on bed rest for at least another month, he is able to leave the hospital after a week or two, depending on how he is feeling. Now I'm afraid he has been diagnosed with Blunt Cardiac injury, meaning at anytime his body could shut down and begin having a cardiac arrest. There are medications but there is no re assuring that it will stop. I'm so very sorry."

Wow. It was all so hard to take in at once. As long as Maxi was ok right ?

"Thankyou so much" he smiled and walked back down the hall. Turning around, I pushed on the door slightly, only to be to be stopped by voices

"So you told her what you did whilst she was gone"

"Yes. Of course. I mean, she had a kid without me knowing, what's that up on her?" Jesses voice began to sound a bit annoyed

I heard no conversation after that so I walked in.

"How are you doing Max?"

"Great" he smiled back and his eyes began to slowly drift. I sighed and turned to Jesse.

"Let's leave him for a bit?" He nodded at me and we both left him alone to sleep in peace.

"Are we ok?" We we're walking down the hallway towards the exit, when Jesse piped up.

"Um yeah" unsure of my answer , I quickly felt uncomfortable

"Can we go see Alexia?" I turned to look at him and his eyes held pure hope.

I nodded and sighed. Maybe it was time to let go of the past, time to finally realise that I would never be able to do all of this on my own.

Maybe it was time to move home ..

FEARFUL (A bondi Rescue Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon