Chapter 73:

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"How are you feeling today sis?" Liam scooted closer to me, giving me sympathetic eyes.

{just reminding you, Liam is violets brother}

"Please stop treating me like I'm 10 again. Only one more week" my excitement could not be contained. One more week and I could finally start to live my life again.

I hoped off the couch and made my way up the stairs. Tegan? Sarah? Millie? No names felt special to me so I carried on walking.

My vision became blurry and the steps seemed to get wider apart "careful" I could hear Liam shouting in the distance. I went to turn around when I lost my balance. I slipped... straight onto my stomach

"SHIT" I looked down and saw blood, this was not good "CALL 000" I screamed at Liam, tears beginning to slowly drip from my eyes.


" Congratulations, its a baby girl" the kind nurse looked at me with excitement. I couldn't help but wonder if she was his. The nurse placed my baby in my arms, she had a light tan skin tone and adorable sparkling blue eyes, the ones I once fell in love with.

"Alexia, her names Alexia"

FEARFUL (A bondi Rescue Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя