Chapter 56:

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"How are you?"  Gonzo asked for the 15th time.

"I'm good" I rolled my eyes, sighing. I know I shouldn't be getting annoyed but wouldnt you? I mean, if someone constantly asked the same thing over and over again?

"Hey VJ" maxi patted me on the back. I gave him a smile and turned back towards the water. Everyones been calling me VJ, I'm guessing because they can't come up with a nick name. Well, everyone except him

"Your on next with him VJ we can swap if you want"

"Nah it's fine, I cant let him get to me, work is my priority right now."


We both hoped into the Rhino Except Jesse sat in the trailer bit.

"Got some nerve aye?" Jesse spoke up after a long awkward 10minute silence. I scoffed and kept watching the water until I heard the radio.

"Yep uh VJ you might need to go in about 50 metres infront"

"Gotcha" I jumped out, taking off my uniform in the process before grabbing a board and racing towards the young man. As my muscles pulled me out into the sea deeper, I sling my head to the right of me to see a person staring at me, as if I was on display. The closer I got, the more frightened I became. Nearing The other drowning swimmer I pulled him only my board as he coughed up water. As I mugged my body forward, we began to make our way to shore. Going past the swimmer again I noticed e was still swimming but this time, as I went past, I saw exactly who it was.

He couldn't be back could he? I saw the message I got but I thought it was a joke... Perhaps not.


"You need to fucking forgive her mate"

"I know okay! I just can't! I want to really badly but I just don't have the guts." I sighed taking another gulp of my beer. Gonzo and I continued talking, trying to hear each other over the music but failed.


As soon as we got home I collapsed onto my bed. I just felt miserable like today was terrible, well it was really.

"Hey V you coming out for tea with the boys?"

"Nah I'm fine! I'll stay here"

"Are you sure? You can't leave me"

"Nope. I remember what happened last time so I'll stay away this time"

"Ok" Nic finally gave up

As I heard the front door shut, indicating she had left. I jumped out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. As I looked for something to eat, I heard a crash, as if someone broke something. My heart instantly pounding, I raced for my phone, but before I could reach my phone that was placed on the couch, I felt that same cold hand grab my waist.

"Don't even think about it" his angry voice seemed to make me weep. His heavy breathing on my neck seemed to make me cry even harder. I felt like screaming so that's what I did. As I went to open my mouth the voice gruffeled again.

"I swear to god if you scream I will slit your throat, right now, right here" as on que, he placed the sharp silver object on my throat. He pressed into it making the pain shoot through me faster.

"What do you want" I spat back at him as much as I could.

"You. I want you. Havn't you heard what your sister tried to do?" Carter now stood infront of me.

"No. Someone will come! I know they will. You can't kill me"

"Oh honey, they all went out remember? They left you... To die" the last word ran through my brain As he chuckled a laugh.

"Any last words?"

I look at him in disgust and turn away only to remember the knife that was harshly still around my neck.

"Now little baby, I'll do it fast so it doesn't hu-" he got cut off.

"VIOLET!! Get your hands off her" and that's when I saw jesses fist glide into carters jaw and I felt a sharp stinging pain release from my throat....

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