Chapter 7:

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*Violets p.o.v*

CARTER: So...for the last time, are you going to tell me where the money is?

ME: why would I tell you!?

I was really angry, the way he demanded it, it made my body shiver. He was a well built man, scary looking and Deffinetly has a overpowering voice.

CARTER: I mean it Violet!! If you don't tell me where the money is, there will be consequences!

ME: yeah? Like what?

Suddenly a sizzling pain came from my leg. I looked down only to notice burn marks up my leg. They were painful but I couldn't let carter see that I was in pain because he would just continue..I had to be brave. Dad would of wanted me to stick up for myself.

ME: Seriously, I have no idea what your talking about!! There is no money anywhere!

CARTER: don't lie to me! I have had it up to here with your lying! I will start to tear apart your family if you don't tell me where the money is soon!

ME: what family! You have already killed my brother, my dads dead and my mums proberly in jail as we speak!!

CARTER: oh have we forgotten about your little twin? Ellie I think her name was.... Oh yeah, she's back in town..

He gave this evil smirk that somehow frightened the life out of me....

*jesses p.o.v*

As soon as I got the whole story out of Ellie, of how carter has kidnapped Violet, I was scared.

ELLIE: Oi, Jesse...!!

Ellie suddenly snapped me out of my day dream

JESSE: yeah?

ELLIE: okay, here's the plan, I want you to stay in the car when we get there. Do not make a noise, I don't want him to know your here! Because i don't want you getting killed!

JESSE: I don't want you getting killed either!!

ELLIE: it's okay, I won't get killed, sure he killed our brother but i mean...he cant kill me and Violet..He just can't

JESSE: What do you mean?

ELLIE: you don't need to know just yet. Anyway, we are here.

We pulled up at a old red farm house. It wasn't very big but it sure as hell looked scary! Plus it was in the middle of no where so of course it would look broken down and scary..right?

ELLIE: okay, I need you to stay here, if I'm not out in 30minutes..Call this number

She gave me a piece of paper that had a phone number on it.

JESSE: who's is it?

ELLIE: don't worry. Just ring it and say that carters back.

She quickly hoped out of the car before I could say another word and ran towards the old farm house.. Whilst I impatiently waited in her car...

(The picture is the farm house)

*Ellies p.o.v*

As I snuck through the little gap in between the white wooden door and the wall, I heard yelling, they were faint but I could still make out Violets voice which was a good sign. Now I just needed to get her out of here without carter noticing...yay...not..

As I hid behind hay bails and old metal sheets, I finally got to a room with a light shining straight into the middle of it, but I wish I could take back what my eyes just saw as I looked closer into the room..

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