Chapter 3:

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A/N before I go on, This is Violet:)

•Jesse P.O.V•

It was a quiet afternoon on Bronte. I was up with Bacon in the Tower whilst Deano Set up the flags. Suddenly Deano towered through.

DEANO:"Hey Jess, We have got a girl looking in her 20's that has passed out near the rocks. She has these knife wounds in her stomach and barely breathing.

I was quiet shocked as Deano said that she was bearly breathing.

ME: Do you need an Ambo?

DEANO: She has a pulse but it's very weak so yeah, call an ambo thanks bud.

*After A While*

AMBO: since she doesn't have family here, could one of you lifeguards come in the Ambo with her?

Immediately I said yes, I have no idea why bit I just did.I knew something wasn't right about her and I wanted to find out.

Once we got into the Ambulance, the paramedics put her on a machine. I quickly looked in her direction and saw that her eyes rolled into the back of her head and that's when her body starts shaking and her eyes closed....


I was still at the hospital with Violet. She still hasn't waken up yet. They had to do CPR on her in the ambulance and after a while, they got her breathing again.

I have work today so I will have to leave Violet by herself. I'm not worried though because there is a chance she will wake up tomorrow. So I silently left.

All I could see was white, White walls, white clothes, everything was white, out of the corner of my eyes I could see a figure staring at me in disgust.

: oh my god! Daddy!! : I left you and your mother for a reason! : Huh...? What reason? : I didn't want you, no one does! : But, aren't you dead? : YES!! How many times have I seen you now today? : What do you mean dad? : You have died 3 times today, now go away! :

suddenly my eyes flung open, and adjusted to the Bright light that shone across my body in agony like i was a vampire or something.

NURSE: Your okay, can you hear me?

ME: I wanna go home!

I knew I couldn't go home, or at least my old home..

NURSE: you can when we get all your tests back. Do you have a place to stay?

ME: Yeah, I will be fine.

And with that, she left.


Here I was, Standing in front of the lifeless hospital. screaming kids entered as pale looking adults left,

I had left my bag at the beach the other day, or when ever it was...So I had to go back home to pack up my stuff for good. A couple of weeks ago mum told me that on April, 17th she was going out for the day and won't be back til 5pm. I looked at my watch which read, April 17th, 3PM, so I quickly had time before she got home. I started walking until I just managed to reach my old house.

I went in through the back and climbed In through the window. I grabbed my spare travel bag and started packing my stuff until, all of a sudden, I heard the front door open....

A/N- HEY!! Sorry I havnt updated! I apoligise💛 anyway, If you want to be in this story, then comment Your name, Eye colour, A fun fact, Hair colour and then pick who you want to be partnered with! 👌 Thankyou guys! Make sure to comment:) oh and this is the last of the short chapters!!

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