Chapter 22:

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I woke up with Jesses breath hitched on my neck and his arms tangled around me protectively. Last night was fun you could say ;)

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand attempted not to wake Jesse up. I looked at the time and it was 6:30. Jesse was working today and I didn't have much to do.

I slowly rolled out of bed before putting my slippers on. I walked into the kitchen and had a look what we could have for breakfast. I spotted some leftover bacon and eggs so I decided happily.

As I turned the bacon over on the pan, oil splattered up onto my hand. "OW" I yelped. My hand was bright red now. Mother f**ker

I continued to cook the bacon till I felt warm arms snake around my waist and soft kissing trailing up and down my neck.
"Morning sleepy" I laughed before turning around, kissing his lips.

"Mmm smells good. Gimmie" he reached out to the plate with some bacon bits that were already cooked. I hit his hand away and looked at him.

"Go get ready for work first, then it will be ready" he pouted but listened, walking off into the bathroom.


Jesse walked out of the bathroom in his uniform ready for work as I started to dish up the bacon and eggs.

We ate eagerly before Jesse stood up.

"Well I'm off babe, Thankyou for breaky!" He kissed me on the lips before running out the door in a rush.


I sat up from the lounge and decided to do something with my day. I decided to go for a jog but popped my swimmers on underneath Incase. I put on my joggers and out the door I went.

I ran and ran for what seemed like forever until I arrived at Bondi. It was really busy and I laughed to myself. Suckers

I walked down by the water still decided whether I wanted to swim or not. Not really being bothered, I found a rock that had no one near it and decided to just sun bake. I layed on the rock with my back Leaning against it. Just watching the world go by. I was down at backpackers when I heard a scream.

A mum started panicking. None of the lifeguards were at this end as they were treating someone over the other side of the beach. No one could see this unfold.

"MIYA!" The mother screamed searching frantically.

I walked up to her.

"Are you ok? What's happened"

"My daughter!! She's missing I just turned away for 2 seconds and she was gone" she started to cry. That's when I heard a children's scream. I scanned the water when the mother ran towards the water, it was her child.

Everything was unfolding right infront of me with no lifeguards so I took matters into my own hands. I saw one of the lifeguard boards resting against a sign so I grabbed it. The mother was pointing towards her child so I ran in.

The board skimmed across the water pretty easily. I could see the daughter going under so I paddled as fast as I could. I could hear engines speeding down the beach and I knew that it was all up to me. I neared the girl and she only looked around 8 or 9. I pulled her up on the board by her swimmers and she started coughing up water. "It's ok hunny, just lay down" her little body layed down on the board and I slowly paddled in trying not to nose dive in the process.

I always use to watch Bondi rescue as a little kid so I knew how they rescued people but never did I ever think I would rescue someone myself..

I got to shore and beardy, kerrbox and Hoppo were waiting by the waters edge. I picked the girl off the board and her body was too weak to run up to her mum so instead she hobbled.

Hoppo ran up to me
"Holy crap VIOLET!!! What are you doing? Are you okay?" Beardy and kerrbox ran over to the little girl to help her.  Hoppo looked me in the eye before radioing the tower "yeah it is her Jess, but she's fine. Stop stressing"

I was a little out of breath but very proud of what I just did. A small crowd had gathered and I heard claps before Hoppo started to talk again. "You could of got yourself killed!" He was right

"But that little girl would of got killed if I didn't do that" I looked him in the eye.

"Meet me in my office when your ready" he began to walk away.
Leaving me there in shock.

I was in trouble ....

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