Chapter 64:

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The feel of pins jabbing the sides of my aching, miserable body. The soft sounds of beeps surrounding me filled my ears, making my curiosity bounce from each side of my brain.

A slight cuss word was released into the air and my eyes popped opened to be met with an unknown person.

"Your awake! I'll go get the doctors" doctors? So I'm in the hospital... But the one question that's wanting to burst out of my mouth is who are you?


I got the news about Violet. I wanting to Kill carter so bad but the bra boys would of done it sooner if he didn't get arrested. I have been trying to come down to Bondi but no flights are available til next week. That's too late isn't it? My heard started to ache as realisation hit me.

Carter James... Killed my sister, lifeguards brought her back but no one has been able to speak properly with her. She went into surgery and whilst doctors were stitching up her head they found something wrong with her brain. Tests were ran and according to Jess they will get them back in the next hour. He didn't tell me what the tests were for but I'm assuming it's bad. I need to find a way to get over there.


My heart felt like it was shattered as the doctor emerged into Vy's room.

"Jesse Polock?"

I nodded, standing up so I was level with the doc.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news"

"As long as she lives" my breathing was getting deeper and more uneven.

"Yes but.. I'm afraid she has part time memory loss" memory loss.... Memory loss.. She doesn't remember me,
She won't remember all the times we've shared. Or the time of our wedding, she won't remember anything that has happened..

"Part time?" The words struggled to fall off my tongue but eventually they did.

"Meaning her memory is still there but it will take a while for it to flow back. You will need to try different things so she will remember but sadly some parts just won't come back. Now when she wakes up please come and get me, she will be scared and could potentially fall into a panic attack"

I nodded and returned to my seat. I got out my phone and began to text to a group. Our life was going perfect. Why did it have to mess up now?


She's my best friend, I could tell her anything and now she's laying in hospital with part time memory loss. She won't remember anything. It hurts... To know that I mean. I struggled all my life with my sister and brother who never recovered from things like bipolar. It just doesn't make sense. How could a perfect girl like Violet, end up so badly wounded, hurt and scarred as she is now?


The lights flickered as the doctor finished writing something down.

"Violet? I know your scared but you will understand soon. Now I'm going to come and test you in a room is that okay?" I shakily nodded my head. Why is he talking so slow? And why is there a hot guy crying in my room?


"Now I'm going to show you a couple pictures and you need to tell me what you see and remember okay?" And for about the fifth time today she shakily nodded her head.

He flipped up a photo of Bondi beach.
She took a while to look at it but she replied with "no" my heart crumbled right then and there.

Next picture was of the lifeguards. She looked at it closely, her eyes scanning the boys until she stopped. "Him..he looks familiar" it was maxi. She remembered !!

The next picture was of her and her sister. She once again looked over the picture and then at me. "That's Jesse Polock. Your partner. You two are married." She looked down at her finger and played with her wedding ring that still hung on her finger. "Your face. I saw it. Like you were disappointed, you never wanted me" my face dropped.


"Like you never wanted me" I remembered some things but only flashbacks flew over my mind. "We fought back then, I proposed to you later on, then we got married" his voice quivered. it was like I was re living a dream, dè javoú (I don't know how to spell it) was I getting better or was I getting worse.


I couldn't explain how I felt if you asked me, Tahlias trying to make me get off the couch but I just can't. The heart ache of almost loosing my best friend swallowed me up inside. My phone buzzed and I reached for it.

Tahlia told me your pretty bummed. Me too mate but she remembers you. Not me but you! Get down here please buddy. -J

"Thankyou" I hugged Tahlia tight. I took her by surprise but she managed to hug back. "Go see her" I took the chance and ran out the door.

FEARFUL (A bondi Rescue Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora