Chapter 36:

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"So be packed and ready for 12am tonight" I could tell Ellie was super excited but I was kind of worrying.

"I'll give your ticket to Jess seeings as your working today

"Okay thanks El Byeee"  I hung up the phone and sighed, knowing that I'm soon going to be meeting my parents.

Was it too soon?

"Bye jess" I kissed him on the lips before heading off to work.

It was cold today, dark and cloudy as if it was going to rain. I really hope it does though.

"Mornin' guys" I walked into the tower to see mouse and Matt under a blanket and Jethro curled up in a ball on his chair.

"Where's hop?"

"Office" I heard Matt shout.

I chucked my jumper over the railing before walking over to Hops office.

"Knock knock?"

"Hey Vy"

"Hey um, about the dates on when I'm going to England.."

"Yeah I know, Jesse just texted me. Saying How yous are going for a week or so. I can cover your shifts until then but as soon as you get back, your working hard!" He stifled a laugh.

"Thanks hop!" I walked out and back across to the tower.

"So where am I today?" I walked in and reached for my jumper when it wasn't there.

"Umm.... Where's my jumper?"

"Jethro!" "Mouse!" "Matt!" They all blamed each other

I looked at them all and saw Jethro with my jumper.

"Please no! I'm cold as" he pouted like a kid before I just let him have it.

"Love youuuuu Vy"

"You owe me" laughing I heard Mouse speak up.

"Your in tower today, you were suppose to be North end but Jess just texted me tell me that if i let you do a rescue I'm dead. Mainly cause you'll get sick"

"Argh!" I groaned. "Over protective mother"

They all laughed before we watched the water. I couldn't help feel nervous for meeting my parents though ....


"You ready?" Jesse pulled me off the couch.

"Mmm" I couldn't find my words, even though it was 10:30 I was still tired. "Jesse I'm really nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they aren't all they seem?"

"Hey Vy, it's fine! I'm sure they'll like you, your amazing" maxi gave me a big hug.

"Thanks Maxi"

I could of heard maxi say something under his breath but I chose to ignore it.

"My turnnnn" Jesse hugged me as well so we were all in one big group hug.


Ellies car.

"C'mon let's go."

"ILL MISS YOU VIOLET. PLEASE COME BACK I LOVE YOUUUU" maxi shouted across the room as if I was leaving for a year.

"Naw max, I'll be back in a week." I hugged him before Jesse did a 'man Shake'

"Bye" we all shouted.

I plugged my music in, it was about a half hour drive and Luke was driving us. I sat in the back with Jesse and leaned on his shoulder before slowly drifting to sleep.

"You ready babe?" Jesses voice echoed through my dream. I mumbled as a reply before getting out of the car.

I held jesses hand as we got our bags out. "Whys there 3? There's only 2 of us?"

"Suprise .. " Jesse gritted his teeth before cracking a smile. "I'm coming with yous"

"YAYYYYYYY YES YES YEA" I was super excited now.

Everyone laughed and we continued walking lugging our bags behind us.

"Bye Luke! I'll see you soon" she hugged him and we said our goodbyes before going past security.

It was around 11:30 so our flight would be called soon. Me and Jesse just talked whilst Ellie listened to her music.

'Flight 582 to Heathrow is now boarding'

(I'm not sure if it's Heathrow so just go with it)

"That's us!" We hopped up and I pulled Ellie up letting her know it's time to board. We scanned our tickets before walking into the plane.

We sat in the middle of the plane.
                    |                 |
Me  Jesse  | Ellie _ _ |

I had window seat so I just stared out the window until I heard the flight attendant over the radio. I closed my eyes when I felt a pair of earphones in my ear, Jesse had one in his ear to. He flicked his music on and the plane began to move.

This was it... I was actually on my way to meet my parents ... My real parents.

FEARFUL (A bondi Rescue Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt