Chapter 76 :

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You know that feeling when your on the verge of sleep but your suddenly thrown awake by your stomach falling into the unknown?
My head was swirling and it's as if the rooms spotlight was on him. I missed him and I never knew that until my eyes layed upon that same toned bare chest. Our eyes were locked and I didn't even notice Koby slowly get up and whisper something in jesses ear.

You could see his sparkling blue eyes open wide whilst his head turned towards Alexia.

"She's mine?" His voice half croaked, before clearing his throat

I nod my head and sit there quietly. I had no idea what to do or what to say. Koby looked my way, his eyes asking for permission.
I nod once again, and Koby gently passed her into jesses arms. Immediately Jesse had a big toothy smile.


I had no words. It was as if my life had become a whole again. Her beautiful blue crystal eyes staring into my soul, not understanding a single thing. Taking in her slight freckles, feeling as if it was only us two in the room. Being interrupted by Koby clearing his throat

"I'll be outside" he quietly left , closing the door, allowing it to just be us in the room. My mind suddenly flicked back to Violet. She looked different, almost vulnerable and I hated it.

"We need to talk" her lips slowly parting as those words jumped out of her mouth "now"

Hey guys, quick short chapter sorryy!! Before you go I would just like to quilt ask one huge big about, if you would be able to check out my best friends new book called "baby steps" - Teganmckay_ it would mean the absolute world, she's an amazing writer and you guys would love her new book!!!!

Also would like to thank nats_xox for encouragement in writing both this book and my other one! Love you girl xo

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