Chapter 33:

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I was sat on the cliff just looking out over at the water. The sun was starting to rise and every so often I felt my phone buzz but I just ignored it. I didn't want to speak to anyone right now.

How can she keep that from me?
Why did she keep that from me?
Why was I not suppose to know?

Mixed emotions were being flung around my body. I heard an alarm ring tone from my phone so I checked what it was.

It was my 8o'clock Alarm for work.

Should I go to work?
Stay here?

I don't even know anymore.



All I can remember is waking up at kobys place. He said something about Violet running off crying and no one has seen her since. I tried ringing and so did maxi, Koby and Ellie but no response. I really hope she is ok. But she should show up to work today right?


I stuffed up BIG time. I vaguely remember telling Violet thinking it was someone else but no one has seen her since last night. I feel bad. I was going to tell her.. Just not this moment.



I sat near the rocks, my phone still buzzing, when I heard a crackle of a radio.

"Nah man. I'll go see what's wrong, and what's happened. Not even seen her before"

It was Harrison.

"Hello, my names Harris... VIOLET!"

I smiled a weak smile but my tear stained cheeks gave it all away.

"I heard what happened. Everyones worried sick. You need to come up to the tower"

"No I don't want to go up there. I want to stay here.." I looked down and fiddled with my bracelet. How did they even find me? I'm out of sight of the tower ...

Harrison sat down next to me and pulled me in for a hug.

"I know it's hard"

"No Harrison. You don't understand, my whole life has been a lie. I want to see my REAL parents. I want to and I need to" I cried into his chest.

I heard him sigh and reach for his radio.

"I need assistance"

I heard the sound of an engine before another presence hugged me. I didn't know who it was but I hugged them back, still crying.

"Let's get you up to the tower" maxis soothing voice filled my ears. I couldn't face either of them so I just looked down, ignoring them both.

We silently made our way to the tower and I sat on one of the chairs just looking over out at the water.

"Jesse wants to see you" Harrison looked across at me. I was currently next to him.

"Yeah I know" I mumbled but you could only just make out what I was saying.

It was getting a bit awkward but thankfully the radio piped up.

"Lunch break timeeee" Jesse came through . "I'll be down in a minute"

"Keep an eye on the water for a minute Violet just while I go swap with Jesse and Mouse" I nodded my head letting him know I understood and picked up the binoculars. I hadn't been working here that long but I knew all the things you need to know to be a lifeguard.

"About 60metres infront of you to the right. You should go in" I radioed to Reidy. He lept out of the rhino before racing to the boy. Oh how I wish I was back in the water.

Suddenly the doors opened and in flopped a exhausted looking Jesse and mouse.

"Next time I'm with mouse, I'll pretend to be sick." Jesse groaned taking a bite of his sand which.

"Oh well, I keep you fit young sir" Mouse remarked.

Jesse took my hand into his and looked me in the eye

"You have a lot of explaining to do tonight" he kissed my head before turning to the water and eating his food.

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