Chapter 71:

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I pulled up at Kobys with my heart still thumping my chest away, threatening for all my stomach to regurgitate.

I jumped out of my car and raced to his door.  Knock knock Koby opened the door and straight away I got a fist to the face. I stumbled back a bit

"WHAT THE FUCK KOBY"  I held my cheek

"I told you, I told you this was going to happen. You just fucked her around, you played with her feelings. Now get the hell away from me"


"Really mate? You wanna re check that" I suddenly heard soft cries, Violet. Just as I went to say something, Koby slammed the door in my face. Great. Now what the hell am I supposed to do?

I ran back to my car, sitting in the drive way for a bit longer, trying to figure out what to do. Do I ask jake about it? Do I just shake it off, maybe it's all a joke? I have no idea.


Koby had came and got me last night. I stayed the night and now I'm here, sitting on his lounge crying my heart out, how was I so young and stupid? I peeped out the window, regardless of Koby telling me not to. Jesses just sitting in his car, screaming, shouting and punching everything he saw in sight.

Why was he angry? He was the one who broke it off?

He was the one to blame.


I couldn't look at him the same. Over the time I've spent with Violet, she's grown to become a sister to me, and seeing my own mate turn on her really made my heart shatter.

I felt for her, how was she going to go to work? I wanted to find out the real story of why it all happened.


I didn't know why I sent that text, something just urged me to do it. Seeing them two together made me sick to my stomach.

If only they knew he sent me..


I texted jake.

Care to tell me anything?

I got a reply within seconds.

He told you that you were over, how hard is that to understand?

Those couple words hurt. I thought jake was my friend..

We were married jake, don't you get that? It's not as easy as just saying we're over.

I got a reply which I regret opening. Shits going down.

"Were" married

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