Chapter 10:

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I felt my legs being tugged at as I groggily woke up. I took a glance behind me and all I saw was Ellie trying to wake me up. I attempted to fall back asleep but Ellie was shouting my name so I decided to get up.

ME: What are you waking me up for?

ELLIE: I got to go to work! I wanted u to know

I groaned as I stood up hearing Ellie skip off upstairs to do whatever she was doing. I decided to get some food as I was starving!! Ellie came back downstairs dressed in her work uniform.

ME: wait Ellie ..?

ELLIE: yeah??

ME: you never told me you worked or where you worked!

ELLIE: well.. I met a guy, his name is Deano and he told me he needs a babysitter so I volunteered!

ME: why do you need a work uniform if your just baby sitting?

ELLIE: to impress him! I told him I worked other places as well..

She then picked up her car keys and pranced out the door. I'm actually starving. Maybe I could ring Jesse? Nah, he wouldn't want to get lunch with me.. Wait I don't even have his number! Ugh now I probably won't ever see him again great!

I sat down with a bag of chips and watched some TV. I was flicking through the channels when jesse popped up!

TV: why did I drop into the bowl with no shoes on? That's just plain old Jesse doing things before he thinks!

I watched the rest of the episode historically laughing my head off. By the end of it I learned that rats are mental and that Jesse is probably scared for life by doing that! After I calmed myself down, I decided to go for a walk down to Bondi mainly because I want to see Jesse but also because I want to go for a surf.

I ran upstairs and borrowed some of Ellie's swimmers then grabbed my board which was white with pink and red decorations on it. I grabbed my wettie and threw on some old shorts and a Ripcurl singlet. I then began my walk to Bondi. About half way there I started to feel nervous in my stomach almost like butterflies. What if Ellie was right, maybe i do like Jesse..

I approached Bondi finally and as I looked out, I could see a group of surfers. I looked over near backpackers and no surfers were out there. Great! More waves for me to catch. Excitedly I threw off my singlet and shorts then squeezed into my wettie.

I grabbed my board and ran straight for the water. What I had missed most about the surfing was sitting out their and watching the sunset.. It was my favourite time of day and not to mention the calmness of the waves that wash upon your body. I made it out to the back of the waves so I sat their enjoying the playful screams that had filled the air.

I looked behind me and i saw a wave looming. I looked over both shoulders to see if any other surfers were catching this one but surely enough, no one was. As I began to stand up, I heard a loud noise coming from the beach only to see people had scurried out of the water. I found that I was the only one in the water. I decided to finish catching this wave then I would go in to see what the matter was. I flicked my long hair behind me and began to do some tricks only to see a greyish like figure about five metres in front of me.

Hey guys• sorry I haven't updated in a while!! But here's chapter 10. I will be introducing new characters soon yay! The picture is Violets Surfboard.. Hope you enjoy

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