Chapter 49:

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The dried blood was sticking to her head and her fingers felt rough on my hands, I felt like throwing up.

I had to look away, I could look at her. Her eyes were still wide open as if they were pleading for someone to help her and she laid on the ocean floor. The JetSki soon showed up and on board was box and Hoppo. There faces were full of empathy. Hoppo jumped into the water and dragged the body on the ski mat and soon raced off down to shore where everyone waited, leaving me alone with my board.

I pulled my sore muscles up onto my board and slowly made my way back to the beach.

Everything was such a blur due to hot fresh tears running down my face, it was almost like slow motion.

As I got onto shore I sat down in the rhino just staring blankly at the rhino floor.

"You okay?" I heard a voice from beside me

"I'm okay thanks Harrison"

"I know it's hard but if you eve-"

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped at him. As soon as it left my mouth i regretted it.

"I'm sorry huts I just want to be alone"

"I understand" he patted me on the shoulder and I walked off toward the rocks.

I walked around the rocks and finally found a shady spot to sit. I clenched onto my necklace and decided it was finally time to open it.

As I opened the necklace it showed a picture of me and Ellie as kids. I know that picture as I was hanging up in the kitchen back in England. As I looked at the picture I saw a quote printed on the front.

All good things come to an end

Maybe he was right. All good things do come to an end, just like him, just like the girl today. I wiped away my tears and made my way back to the rhino where Jesse sat.

"Huts told me what happened. I hope your okay, it was a really brave thing you dig back there" he engulfed me in a huge hug and we got back to work.

All good things come to an end.


"Debriefing is on Thursday" Jesse remarked as we sat on the lounge watching teen moms "wait why are we watching this?"

"Cause nothing else is on!" I laughed and Jesse winked at me. "Oh please don't get any ideas, I don't want a kid just yet thanks" he pouted but laughed anyway and I started to flick through the channels.

"I have something else better to do in mind" Jesse suddenly turned me over so he was on top of me and started to passionately kiss me.

"Mmm and what's that?" I cheekily smirked as I broke the kiss. *yawns* "I'm very tired, I might go to bed actually"

"Oh no you don't" he caught my hand as I stood up and he stood up infront of me. "Not without me your not" I giggled and he held my butt "jump" I jumped so my legs were wrapped around him and he carried me up to my room. This just
Made my day 1000000x better ;)

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