Chapter 80 :

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Violets p.o.v

"Do you have like creepy stalkers or something ? I always feel like I'm being watched" I questioned Koby

Lately whenever I leave the house, kobys house, it seems like I'm being watched, not in a bad way but it starting to freak me out.

His face expressions looked unreadable for a couple of seconds before his face turned to worry
"It should be fine yeah? Give it a couple days, you havnt been here long. Oh and it's 12 o'clock, wanna go see Maxi?"

I jumped at the thought of seeing Maxi, making me forget about the stalker

"Yes! Let's go!" I jumped out the door, full of excitement. I hope to one day soon walk through his hospital room door and see him sitting up, eating food and laughing at a joke he told himself. Although, not to dampen the mood but I'm slowly loosing hope.


"And today's news, a firefighter, aged 28  found a young girl fighting for life while she suffere-" I would rather sit in silence then listen to the long list of the worlds imperfections.

"Do you want to go soon? He will be here in 5"
Referring to Jesse.

"No" my heart wanted to say yes so much but my mouth was glued shut.

He looked puzzled but left the room before saying anything.

10 minutes passed, no movement from Maxi, no sign of Jesse

30 minutes passed, no movement from Maxi, no sign of Jesse

40 minutes passed, no movem-

"Oh you're here" I spun my head to reveal Jesse. I scoffed, hate being thrown in all directions of the room. He sat across from me, on the left side of Maxi, and picked up his hands, holding them tight.

"You know, it was my fault" my head that had dropped down to look at my fingers suddenly shot up

"Excuse me?" My eyes flickered from maxi's pale face to jesses eyes that were glued on the bed sheets

"I'm the reason you're broken. I'm the reason that you couldn't find happiness and I'm sorry. I'm sor-"

"Shut up" I quickly interrupted him, my mouth having a mind of its own

"No. I will not. I told Maxi this and I think you should hear it too. I can see right through you. I wasn't there for the birth of my own child" his eyes darted to Alexis's pram parked in the corner of the room "heck, I didn't even know I had a daughter. I thought you moved on, I was stuck in the past, Thinking you were in the future. Not in mine but someone else's. Going through the days, counting down until you'd come back. I never knew if you were and when I found out you had left for good I was broken too. I never ment to hurt you. I never ment to make you cry. I never ment for you to be alone ."

"I wasn't alone" a single tear dropped down straight onto the bed sheets "I found my brother" his eyes were shocked.

"The brother that was dead? Sorry. Passed away ?" I nodded in response. "Fuck"

Silence grew upon us again and my eyes began to close.

"Violet" I heard his voice " MAXI YOUR ALIVE" his grin was spread on his face like vegemite. "I left something for you, I was planning on sending it. It's in my top draw of my bed side table. Please find it" I was confused for a minute "but what did it say, your alive its fine, your going to be ok, what did it say?" He took a deep breath, pursing his lips
"Just find it. I love you"

" NO" my eyes flung open, jolting my body back , creating my breathing to become heavy.

"It was a dream. no"

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