Chapter 18: the filler

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I groggily woke up. My eye sight was blurry. I walked towards the door, down the hall and into the bathroom.

I looked at my sleepy self in the mirror and I was petrified at what I saw.

*Maxi was not here
*Jesse is boss

I was furious.

I heard footsteps patter slowly towards the bathroom. Maxi was the first one to walk into the bathroom.

"What happened to your face?" His voice croaked.

"Oh what happened? I thought you could explain!" In all honesty I shouldn't really be yelling because they were drunk but seriously, who writes stuff on people's faces in permanent marker?

Obviously Jesse and maxi!

I ushered maxi out, okay, maybe I pushed him out ....

I 'pushed' maxi out of the bathroom and went for a quick shower.


As I hopped out of the shower, my face was burning bright red because I scrubbed it that hard. You could faintly see marks but that's the best I could do. I walked over to Jesse and I's room and walked over to the calendar to mark off today.

I marked the 16th off and in the corner of my eye, I read something that I dreaded... Today is the day. No wonder I was p*ssed off this morning.

Sighing, I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my outfit. I was going to go shopping because Jesse appears to have bearly any food so I needed something comfortable.

In the end, I picked out some grey trackies and a FTW jumper as it was FREEZING outside!

I ran down stairs to find Jesse passed out on the table, maxi crawled up in a ball on the couch (he went back to sleep) and beer bottles laying around the lounge room. I groaned and wrote Jesse a note


Please clean up this mess, gone to the shops.
I will be back later. Make sure it's done!
The panadol Is in the top cupboard and I'll see you soon

'Vy' xox

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my wallet, ready to go food shopping.

*Ellies p.O.v*

The days went by, faster and faster. I wanted to go see Violet. I missed her, I wanted to tell her. There was only one problem, the biggest secret that I have, I can't tell. We told each other everything but this time was different, I was the liar, the unloyal sister. I had to keep it locked away, but it killed me...

a/n: as the chapter says, this is a filler!!! The dramas coming. In the next chapter I'm going to miss a bit of days, and I'm going to make her have a good friendship bond with the lifeguards. So yeah
Thankyou guys!!!

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