Chapter 39:

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"Jesseeee I'm scared" I clutched onto his hand so tight it turned white.

The plane was bumpy, extreme turbulence and I'm usually not that bad at flying but today.. Today just seems different.

"Sorry everybody, we have to make an early pit stop to refuel. Sorry for this inconvenience but we will get back to flying shortly after"

"Uhhhhh" I grumbled into Jesses jacket" all he did was laugh.

"C'mon babe, it's not that bad"

Still groaning, I sat up and reached for my earphones. Finally finding them, I plugged them into jesses phone and looked at the plane window. This was going to be a long ride.

•There was times I was lost, dark, had fear. Couldn't see through the rain, in the end it would clear. Shit hit the fan, I was more than one man. Who was there to lend a hand, together we'd stand. Always have my back, my guardian soldier. Team pulled together, united we'd conquer. Blessed is he who in the name of charity, Carry me, when I'm weak straight through the valley of Darkness, pitch blackness, the heartless. Regardless, fear couldn't part us. Thick & thin, there by my side. At times we'd collide but in the end we ride. Thick & thin, there by my side. At times we'd collide but in the end we ride . We ride, ride, ride, ride. Are you my brother's keeper? •

I couldn't contain my laughter, I loved this song with all my heart and so did Jesse, I swear I got a couple of odd looks from people around the plane.

My Brothers Keeper ~ Kid Mac

I am probably the most luckiest girl alive, I have the BEST boyfriend, amazing ass friends and the funniest job ever. It's hard to think back to the times when I had no one, thinking my world was coming to an end but I was wrong. My Prince Charming swept me off my feet, thank god for that day..

"Wake up Vy, you slept for 14hours" he laughed before continuing "we are landing in 20 Minutes"

Usually I would grumble a bit before fully waking up but my head shot up after hearing the word 'landing'. Wait.. How did I sleep for 14 hours??

"I'm sorry" I felt bad if Jesse didn't go to sleep.

"It's fine, i went to sleep for a bit too" he kissed my head and I sat up in my chair so I was a bit more comfortable.

"Ladies and gentleman, we are about to land so I would just like to say thankyou for choosing to fly with us today and hope you had an amazing journey. If your from around here, welcome home but if your not, Have a nice stay.
Cabin crew prepare for landing"

After a long 20minutes we finally landed and we were allowed to get off the plane. Jesse and I walked hand in hand up to the doors for our ears to be filled with loud cheering.

"THEIR BACK" "I TOLD YOU IT WAS THE RIGHT GATE" "SHUTUP MAXI" "it's them right?" Silence was spread around the room awkwardly until Maxi came running up to Jesse and I and gave us a hug.


"Maxi... It was a week" we laughed and turned to be faced with 5 other lifeguards


What a lovely welcoming home!

We all exchanged hellos before walking away from all the dirty death stares.

I was finally home with the people I loved most ...

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