Chapter Thirty One

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[A/N] I'm sorry in advance.

When I finally noticed someone was trying to shake me awake I reacted with annoyance and shrugged them off. My dream was already slinking off into the shadows and I desperately grasped at any last threads. I was so happy and now I had forgotten it all.

I heard his growl before I saw his glare.

"Looks like someone's a lot better than they were last night."

Actually the words didn't properly register until I felt his slightly wet teeth bite into the hollow of my neck.

I jumped, I mean I literally bumped my head on the headboard of my bed when I saw who was sitting on my bed.

"R-Ryuu??" I stared at him.

His eyes flickered from my neck back up to my face, a small grin forming.

"What are you doing here?"

He looked at me curiously, "Your sister says you have a bad reaction to illnesses."

I frowned.

"Yeah t-they make me a bit loopy..." I curled my fingers around my covers and pulled them a little way up my chest when I realised that for some reason I was missing a shirt but I was clothed on my lower half. "I... I didn't do anything did I?" I asked, horrified, as I pulled on a shirt which had been lying on the floor down the side of the bed.

Ryuu simply chuckled and reached over to hand me a glass of water.

I stared at it for a second before actually taking it and sipping it.

I made a face and he laughed heartily.

"This isn't water?" I groused.

He snickered, "Of course it's water, I mixed in some powder 'lemon-flavoured' cold medicine in there."

He reached over and didn't notice me stare at him, I couldn't quite believe this was Ryuu, not that he was incapable of taking care of me but this was certainly a side of him I'd never seen before. Someone so domineering and... dark, feels weird to see him take care of me like that, feels nice.

He didn't seem like the type.

I smiled.

He raised an eyebrow.

My smile brightened.

He hummed, "Better not be planning something nekotan, I have ties at my disposal and I'm not afraid to use them." His grin was dark.

I flushed and tried not to imagine what he was implying. I was already half hard from morning wood I didn't need anything more.

Suddenly I could only look everywhere but at him.

"Drink the medicine," He commanded as he tucked the corners of my covers in.

I cringed as I swallowed the sour salty water and tried to drink as fast as I could get it down, allowing some of it to escape from the corners of my mouth.

He took the glass from me checked if it was empty then nodded.

I blushed, this time at myself, for the way I beamed at him just because the way he nodded felt like some kind of a reward.

I turned to see him place the glass on my bedside table and realized that along with all the other clutter there was an orange on a saucer which he set about pealing.

Wow, not a massive fruit eater, I've always watched my sister and her fruit concoctions with a kind of mistrustful distaste but there's something about the smell of the orange that really wakes a person up. It smelled amazing and I began to realize I was deathly hungry.

Her Brother, My Master (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now