Chapter Twenty

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When Darren told me that photo had been making its rounds I hadn't really bothered to worry about it, mainly because of the day and age we live in but also because I just really doubted anyone at school would see it.

Darren's sisters didn't go to his school, they never did, so the likelihood of people who go to my school who know both me and her was tiny.

Unfortunately there was that someone, or maybe they'd seen it somewhere else but either way the picture they'd slipped through the gaps in my locker was random and whether it was supposed to be a joke was debatable.

To be honest I'd never been bullied and I didn't really know what it was like to be.

I'd seen kids get shoved around a little and left out, that kid Nigel from the year below me got a black eye and a broken nose from some kid named Jordan who I don't know and he got suspended and then eventually kicked out for cheating in his exams, using Nigel's essay.

I'd heard other boys say some insulting stuff about others even while clearly within earshot and hell maybe some of that had even been about me.

But none of that felt like it amounted to bullying to me, so neither did this to be honest.

The picture in question was a rip out of a men's magazine, or a women's magazine?

Whatever it was it had a naked guy on the front in some kind of sauna sweating, his towel covering his privates. To be honest if the guy had been my type and maybe not as old I might have thought it was embarrassing but he was just meh and the magazine just eh.

If that was their worst I wasn't worried. I was pretty sure it was just one kid who either thought it was funny or expected me to die of shame.

I wasn't ashamed, nor closeted, I was just private.

While I was shoving the cover in my pocket to throw in the bin I realized it was two pages, with it being lunch time most people were outside or eating in the cafeteria. A few still lingered in the hallways but only one near me and he looked more preoccupied with his Sudoku.

I opened it up, out of curiosity, I can't stress that enough, and was disappointed to see a page full of writing, an article on men's health and fitness and something about twenty ways to get killer biceps.

What shocked me however was what was on the other side.

Was this what they wanted me to see? Was this a joke?

The article above was about appealing to women and what women look for in a man, I'd just read the subheading and I was already bored, but underneath accompanying something about boy bands and "One Direction", "All Day Long" and "SUN" there was a picture...

There was a picture of Ryuu singing with a wireless microphone close to his face. There was no mistaking it, it was Ryuu, it was hard to mistake him for anyone else.

The shock was slow to register, mainly because I knew very little about him. But the fact that he was in a magazine like that really forced me to acknowledge just how much of a stranger he was. A mad dominant devilishly handsome stranger.

Even in the photo he still had that crazy dark look in his eyes cloaked by his heavy, lazy eyelids.

He looked amazing in leather ripped jeans and a tight black shirt, the lighting from behind emphasized his muscle despite the way the darkness should have hidden it.

He had leather Velcro finger-less gloves and in his hand a microphone and his mouth was open, just the upper row of perfect white teeth and a glimpse of the bottom to be seen.T

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