Chapter 32 - I DIDN'T CONFESS!

Start from the beginning

"Dylan?" I heard Cupid say.

My eyes filled with tears, "I'm scared..." I whispered.


I saw Dylan sink down to the floor.


Is he okay?

I could see his face from the light that came from the closet window.

Oh my god, did I make him cry?!

"I'm scared..." He whispered.

After hearing his broken voice I snapped out of it and realized how harsh and selfish I've been acting.

"Dylan I'm so sorry...I—I wasn't trying to scare you or make you anxious, I didn't want to make you cry..." I felt horrible.

He doesn't deserve to be treated like this, I'm a bad thing.

"Hey, relax, it's fine," I sat down in front of him and tried wiping his tears, but they wouldn't stop coming.

I grabbed him and hugged him, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been pushing you for a confession when you aren't ready. I'm an idiot, you can punch me or stab me or run me over..."


After a while of me talking nonsense, he relaxed a little bit.

I pulled him away from me and cleaned his face.

"I'm a jerk and was only thinking of myself, I just get really insecure, so I thought you would leave me if I didn't put so much effort into showing you how I feel. The worst part is that if you were to tell me you don't love me, I would let you go. I can't control how you feel and I don't want to. I'm okay with living my immortal life with the company of a lot of cats and do—" he kissed me before I could finish the story of the sad life I had planned out without him.

I pulled away, "Wait, you don't have to force yourself to like me, I'm okay being 'Crazy Cupid' if it means you get to be happy..."

"I—I am in lo—I have feelings for you," he quietly said.

I looked at him in shock.

Both our faces turned red.

"D—Did you just..." I trailed off as he covered his face with embarrassment.

oh, my god. OH. MY. GOD. HE LIKES ME! HE CONFESSED! HE FINALLY CONFESSED! Wait, is it a confession? Whatever I'll take it!

I tackled him with a hug making him fall over and moved his hands out of his face.

We stared at each other for a couple of seconds but it felt like a lifetime.

I leaned in to kiss him, but before I could, the door swung open revealing a pissed-off Linda and Melody with an ice pack to her cheek.

"¡¿Qué te dije?! No habrá sexo en esta casa. ¡Levántate! ¡Levántate y deja a ese chico en paz!"

Oh no! SHIT! FUCK!

"¡No, por favor! ¡Perdóname! ¡No le iba a hacer nada!" I begged.

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