Chapter 15: Tea

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        "Jungkook?" Jimin whispered wanting to know. "Jungkook, you know you can tell me anything.. Right? I'm here to help! What did she mean by that?"

           "I wouldn't know.. I'm not her! She maybe thinks it's because of my phobia." Jungkook folded his arms. "Jimin you know you are better than her... I don't want you to be like her.. She isn't what she seems." Jungkook claimed holding one hand up to Jimin's cheek. "Jimin... You are much more beautiful than Je-anne."

         'Isn't what she seems', This was was how Jungkook described Je-anne. But what did she do to him? Jimin hated how Jungkook never explained or finished his sentences... The curiosity was killing him! "Jungkook, you can't leave me like this... You need to explain it to me!"

             "Later..." Jungkook responded still holding up Jimin's cheek. "I can tell you la-"

            "Jungkook you worry me.. You worry me too much!" Jimin stated looking at Jungkook and setting the younger's hand away from his cheek. "Please don't do that..." Jimin claimed. How could he want Jungkook to cup his face playfully if Jimin grew angry at how the ex came in here only to upset Jungkook and get him sad again? Jimin looked back at his front desk and walked back to it hearing Jungkook tear up again. Jimin went over to the desk and continued to work, Jungkook would cry but eventually make his way to Jimin again to be near the older man everytime. Jimin is who Jungkook would cling onto everyday, it was who he cared for after all this time. Jungkook knew Jimin wanted explanations and reasons so he can help, but Jungkook saw this as a way to lose Jimin. Jungkook knew if he told Jimin what really happened to his past relationship... Jimin would become unsure of hanging out with Jungkook so much. It was risking a friendship.

       When his shift ended, Jimin walked up to Jungkook who was crying on the library couch. Jimin sighed looking at his sensitive little bunny tear up and decided to hand him the book. "Jungkook..." Jimin rubbed Jungkook's back and patted him gently. "Jungkook, let's get home."

        Jungkook looked up from covering his face with tears still running. "Give me a second... I-I have a headache." Jungkook claimed as Jimin smiled handing the book over and hugging the younger again.

          "Were you crying for me, Jungkook?" Jimin asked smiling and hugging Jungkook.

         Jungkook nodded while rubbing his forehead due to crying soo much. "Jimin.... It hurts..." Jungkook pouted as Jimin looked up and handed the book to the younger again.

           "Jungkook, come to my house.. I'll give you some tea." Jimin placed his hand around Jungkook's waist as the younger placed his arm around Jimin and they walked together closely. What would Jungkook do without Jimin? Jimin meant atleast something to the young one. The pink haired boy meant something to Jungkook, he didn't mean a friend to Jungkook, not that.. Jimin was closer than a friend and better than a best friend.

            Jimin began to brew some tea on a silver teapot. Jimin was brewing Ginseng tea to help Jungkook with his headache. "Okay Jungkook, do you like Ginseng tea?" Jimin asked turning his head to see Jungkook waiting there on a cushion infront of a low table.

             Jungkook nodded having a sad look on his face because of his headache. "Y-yes.." Jungkook claimed as Jimin let out a cute giggle.

           "Jungkook, your head will hurt more if you cry." Jimin set the teapot down with Jungkook's cup. "My grandmother made me Ginseng tea... It helped me soo much." Jimin looked like a cute child in Jungkook's eyes just seeing the hot tea pour onto the cup.

           Jungkook smiled looking at Jimin pour the drink for him... Jimin poured enough of the Ginseng tea and slid the cup to Jungkook. "This is enough... I don't want to give you another headache!" Jimin joked and got up heading to the kitchen to retrieve the Ginseng shavings. "My grandmother also told me the shavings can help too! No worries, I washed it." Jimin carried the shavings in a small red bowl and set it down next to Jungkook's tea. "Enjoy!" Jimin layed his head on the table while sitting on his brown cushion.

           Jungkook thanked Jimin for the kind tea and watched the boy lay there sleepily. Jungkook drinked up the tea and ate some of the Ginseng shavings along with the tea. The younger set the things aside and watched Jimin close his eyes.

          The light brown haired young man stood up, walked to Jimin and picked him up gently. Jimin was secretly awake but he thought this was very kind of Jungkook to do. Jungkook set Jimin onto his arms carrying him like a child too. Jimin couldn't stop blushing until Jungkook set Jimin on the bed, this made Jimin blush too much! He opened his eyes only to see Jungkook's hips in between Jimin's legs! Jungkook was just setting Jimin to sleep but Jimin thought otherwise.

          "U-um J-Jungkook..." Jimin sputtered.

          Jungkook looked down at Jimin as the older was quickly reaching for the blanket. "Jimin, stop playing around! you should really sleep right now." Jungkook claimed as he got up and tucked Jimin in gently. "If you stay up you'll lack sleep and sleep during the day." Jungkook worried. He didn't get why Jimin looked nervous but to Jungkook, he needed to set Jimin to sleep like the older man was a little child. Of course, Jungkook only treated Jimin like this as a friendly way... right?

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