Chapter 75: Framed

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            Jimin was walking to his barista job. He was ready to get through the day already! As Jimin got to the coffee shop. He saw Je-anne sitting there looking as if she was crying! Jimin felt nervous to walk in. "This won't end well..." Jimin whispered as he walked in. Jimin felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest when the woman glanced at him. Suddenly she had a small cut on her cheek?

             "Mr. Park Jimin..." Mr. Yang called out making Jimin curse under his breath. "Come here please.." Mr. Yang announced as Jimin slowly walked up to his manager and bowed.

           "Hello, Mr. Yang.." Jimin greeted trying to keep it calm

            "Jimin, we need to talk..." Mr. Yang claimed making Jimin's eyes grow in fear.

           "M-Mr. Yang, what did I do-"
         "Je-anne told me you harmed her.." Mr. Yang responded as Jimin turned his head to see Je-anne smiling behind Mr. Yang's back.

           "I-I didn't touch her! You know I wouldn't even hurt a fly, Mr. Yang!" Jimin raised his voice making Je-anne giggle quietly to herself.

           "Je-anne told me you pulled out a knife and threatened to kill her baby... Saying you hated her because she was Jungkook's first. Which is not true. My Je-anne only carried the baby for the man! There was no way she loved him."

           "You're going to fire me... Aren't you?" Jimin whispered as Mr. Yang shook his head.

            "Jimin, I'll never fire you! You are my best employee! All you gotta do is apologize and do Je-anne a favor. That's the only reason I can forgive aswell, besides you were the one who caused a cut on her beautiful skin."

          "What?! No! Je-anne came to my house and held a knife in her pocket claiming she needed to talk to Jungkook! Even when she found out she was pregnant, she asked for Jungkook! She cheated with you at the same time she was dating Jungkoo-"

          Suddenly Mr. Yang slapped Jimin making Jimin look down at the floor his face was pointed to after the slap. Mr. Yang quickly flinched and looked at his hand. "J-Jimin!"

             "I...quit..." Jimin hissed as Mr. Yang was panicking. Jimin was his best employee! He couldn't risk losing another worker. After the manager slapped the worker, everyone stopped and stared making Je-anne's smile wipe off her face not expecting Jimin would quit. This was not part of her plan.

           "Jimin! I wasn't thinking! I was jus-"

            "I SAID I FUCKING QUIT!" Jimin shouted as everyone grew startled, not believing that Jimin was able to do such a thing! At the coffee shop, he was known to be the happiest and biggest smiling worker that made customers feel happy when they walked in! There was some whisperes and talks after Jimin said he'll quit. Even Jimin's other co-worker folded his arms. It seemed like he was the only one working there. "I'm not some stupid rag doll to be abused like this! Now stay out of my life! Since you basically only trust liars." Jimin replied leaving the shop as he kicked a chair along the way out.

            Je-anne sat there hoping Jimin would be begging for the manager to forgive him to keep his job, but Jimin was a smart man. Jimin got hurt and didn't want to stay at this job any longer. He bolted out of the store leaving Je-anne too stay sitting there like an idiot. She planned all of this to get Jimin to do a favor for her, but she never thought out the fact that Jimin would be the one who quits!

           Jimin's co-worker got up, glanced at his manager, took off his green barista apron and tossed it on the counter. "You've dropped to the lowest level, Mr. Yang." the man claimed. "I quit too." The worker left. It wasn't fair that Mr. Yang wouldn't even listen to Jimin! He just hit him to make him stop.

        Jimin was angry and in tears walking out of the coffee shop. He didn't realize that once he left,  the only Co-worker that worked there left too! Jimin's face was red as he grew very tense. Jimin just wanted to come home already! It wasn't fair... Mr. Yang believed Je-anne because they were married. He didn't even cared about the evidence.

         As Jimin continued to walk he felt eyes staring at him. It felt like a bunch of knives on his back. Jimin turned around to see Je-anne in a crowd of people crossing the street! She was following Jimin..

           Jimin felt his heart shoot out from his chest by just seeing the stalker follow! Jimin decided to hurry home in fear not knowing what to do now... He locked the doors and windows to make sure she wouldn't come in! Jimin was terrified and grew a little paranoid thinking Je-anne was going to kill his and Jungkook's unborn child.

           Once Jimin successfully locked himself in the house, he dialed Jungkook's number and called, he felt a bit more safer to hear Jungkook's nice voice over the phone. "Jungkook!" Jimin called out as Jungkook responded.

                "My sweet little prince shouldn't be calling at work~ you'll get distracted babe." Jungkook stated.

            "J-Jungkook! You don't understand! Je-anne is following me home and I locked myself in the house! P-please, Jungkook! Come back I need you to be here!" Jimin cried wiping his tears gently.

            "Don't worry, Baby I am going to make sure I come home right now to give you my hugs and kisses~" Jungkook replied trying to make Jimin ignore the fact that Jungkook's crazy ex was after him and the future baby.

         Jimin smiled at what Jungkook told him. He felt at ease now knowing Jungkook will protect him. But what he didn't realize was... Je-anne was right out the front door with a knife as she tapped the steel and sharp tip on the door softly leaving small dents on the white wooden door.

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