Chapter 84: Two beating hearts

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         "T-twins..." Jimin repeated and the doctor turned the screen around to show Jimin the twins.

         "See? Here's the two, there's the head of the female and there's the male." Dr. Lee pointed out the babies and smiled. "That's them. That's why you've been feeling much more pain than having one child. They are expected to be kicking early." The Doctor claimed.

           Jungkook dried his tears and smiled at Jimin feeling happy. This was his joy, the same feeling he had when Je-anne told him about Lila before she was born, was the same happiness Jungkook had. He was going to have twins with Jimin, now that was the best moment he had so far, next to sharing his first kiss with Jimin and of course meeting him for the first time at the library.

            Jimin held Jungkook's hand tightly crying in tears of joy pointing at the small babies on the screen. "Jeon Sung Ji... And Jeon Eun Min...." Jimin claimed as the doctor nodded at how Jimin was right at actually pointing to the boy and girl.

             "Jimin, here.. Before you go, I'll give you some medications the clinic sent me for you. These were only the few, I'll order the pills for you again."

         "Where did you send those pills at first, Dr. Lee?" Jimin asked.

         "I sent them at your house, but then it was sent to the library?" Dr. Lee replied.

          "Oh... We never got it." Jungkook stated as Dr. Lee was taking the pictures of the twins so he can print it out for the couple to keep this as a memory.

          "I'll send it again, but please be sure you're there to receive them." Dr. Lee claimed.

          Before Jimin can leave, Dr. Lee gave the pills to Jimin for him to take until his medication comes on time by a few more days. This time Jimin will be there to accept it because he had no other job now.. The library job was only for morning shifts now... And Jimin was left to do nothing during the day.

           Jimin kept thinking how odd it was that Namjoon was the one who signed for the pills! Namjoon was always at the library but Jimin never thought his good friend will take something Jimin needed desperately only to keep it from him. This was sketchy.

          Jimin held the bag of little pre-medications until his actual pills arrived. He held Jungkook's hand as they looked at the ultrasound pictures of the twins. "Look at them~ they are so small!" Jimin pointed out as Jungkook looked at the two pictures.

             "It's so odd to know our two babies are in there~ such a small baby bump." Jungkook replied making a cute voice as Jimin began to laugh.

         "Jungkook, it's Sung Ji and Eun Min!"

           "I still like the name Jungkook for the boy." Jungkook joked as Jimin continued to laugh along the way. As the laughter died down, Jungkook brought up the conversation about the pills. "Jimin? Don't you think it was pretty weird how Namjoon took the pills? It's not like him to do such a thing..."

          "I know.. It's confusing, really... I-I just think Je-anne maybe had something to do with it. Namjoon would never do such a thing! He can't be jealous. Namjoon was excited to hear about my pregnancy."

          "It looked like he did sign.. We should talk to him about this. Maybe he can give us an explanation." Jungkook replied as Jimin nodded.

            "I swear.. He's innocent.. Everytime I think of the situation, I think of Je-anne... I know she could be behind this! Only she would do such a thi-"

           "Jimin~ Please don't get too stressed over this. Je-anne wouldn't be in our lives soon.. Once we get that restraining order, she'll be gone!"

           "A little piece of paper won't help.." Jimin muttered.

           "Atleast it's something..." Jungkook claimed as he stopped walking to pat Jimin's pink hair. "Are you hungry?" Jungkook asked as Jimin nodded silently. "Oh Jimin! Smile!" Jungkook stated cupping Jimin's soft face.

           Jimin looked into Jungkook's eyes until he let out a giggle. "Yes I'm always hungry." Jimin claimed as Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's baby bump.

            "I guess you eat for three, for Sung Ji, Eun Min and yourself!" Jungkook smiled and kissed Jimin's lip. "Come, let's just get something quick."

             "Jungkook, when will we get Christmas decorations?" Jimin asked.

            "Hmm.. Not sure yet since I'm always busy, but I'll be sure to get them soon with you." Jungkook answered as he kept walking holding Jimin's hand.

           "Jungkook, If you don't mind me asking.. Why did you fall in love with Je-anne before? What did you see in her?" Jimin asked curiously. "I-I just want to know, I'm very confused on how you will love such a monster like her..."

          "Well, Jimin... I never loved her at first... It was all force. But then I thought she was lonely. I thought she needed me more than ever. Me, being very gullible... I fell for it. I gave her my love and she only began to slowly take off her mask and show her true colors. Such an abusive woman. Until this day, I still ask myself why did I pity her back then? Maybe I thought she needed to be loved. But you know what Jimin? Love is for everyone, and if someone abuses and takes advantage of it, love isn't for them. So, throughout those years with her... I wanted to be free because that abusive relationship was difficult.. How was I able to leave her? There was no way. But, one day she left me with Lila and my life started to get better... only for a little while."

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