Chapter 9: Everyday

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Jungkook couldn't help but to think Jimin was so kind to him. He appreciated the man soo much.. By the time Jimin's library shift came to an end, Jimin walked alongside Jungkook as the houses they passed grew smaller by the distance. Jimin was walking Jungkook home because Jungkook claimed and explained how lonely he would feel walking home all by himself again.... But in reality, Jungkook just didn't want Jimin to leave him alone again.

Along the way to Jungkook's house, Jungkook was offering Jimin to stay over.. to walk him home alot and do this type of things together everyday. Just a bond like this made Jungkook hope for more..

"Jimin, we should do things like this often! It's so much fun... I enjoy this alot."

"I do too! It's like exercises time to time... Today I had a great day with you. You seem very caring.. I don't see why you don't date... Girls will love you!"

"I'd rather do this with a friend who hears me out instead of a girlfriend who will expect hugs and kisses time to time.. That goes for boyfriends too... I'm not that affectionate in the love relationship area. I'm just very caring to my friends for hearing me out and listening to me... Like you!"

"Jungkook, do you enjoy me being here with you everyday now?" Jimin asked to ignore reaching silence between the two.

Jungkook nodded. "It's better than having to go home to be alone.." Jungkook claimed as he stared at Jimin. "You know Jimin, I haven't shown you my house before... Right?"

"O-oh Jungkook that's fine, you don't need to show me yours." Jimin claimed assuring Jungkook he didn't need to. Jimin would always see Jungkook now, from the second he turns his head.. Jungkook would be there! It was like Jungkook acted like a father towards Jimin. But the young adult wasn't complaining... He liked having new friends... It gave him the chance to get to know them.

"Jimin~" Jungkook yawned as Jimin faced Jungkook. "That's nonsense! Come to my house for a while... It'll be nice.."

"Thankyou for the offer Jungkook but, I think I'll wanna go home after, I need to see if my boss sends me any work I need to do for tomorrow."

Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Things like these only takes a few seconds.. I-I also think I have a book I'm a little late on.." Jungkook claimed.

"I see, I guess heading to your house won't hurt.. I do need to return the book as soon as possible." Jimin replied.

"As soon as I give you the book, please head home. Do not go to the library at this time, no one will be there." Jungkook stated. "I don't want you to get home very late. You have work and you need sleep." Jungkook was sounding like he owned Jimin.. The older boy laughed and looked at Jungkook.

"Sure, father!" Jimin giggled as Jungkook kept staring at Jimin only to crack a little smile at the name he was called. Jungkook didn't know to take it as a compliment or a joke.

When they slowly arrived to Jungkook's nice and quiet home. Jimin wanted to leave but everytime he would step out of Jungkook's view, the young man would get the horrible feeling again. It was almost as if he hated Jimin leaving him...

Jungkook looked down and watched Jimin step into the silent house. "You have a nice home Jungkook..." Jimin claimed as he turned his head to see Jungkook standing there seriously as his lips curved into a smile.

"Thankyou for being here.. Making sure that you arrive home safely." Jungkook walked down the hall and into his room expecting Jimin to follow for the book but Jimin only paid attention to the random door Jungkook never mentioned before... That white door had a pink ribbon tied on the silver knob and Jimin only questioned what was beyond this innocent looking door? Just the ribbon tied around the knob gave off such an innocent look.. Jimin stared at the knob and and approached it slowly.... The ribbon caught his attention and made the boy wonder about this peculiar door.

"Heres the book, Jimin!" Jungkook walked up to Jimin seeing the boy almost touching the door knob. "Curious, Jimin?"

"Is this the bathroom?" Jimin asked nervously lying. What if this room meant alot to Jungkook and seeing Jimin want to enter, gave Jungkook a feeling Jimin wasn't so trustworthy.

"No silly! That's Ji-Annes room." Jungkook responded holding out the book as Jimin accepted it.

"Who is Ji-anne?" Jimin questioned as he held the thick children's folktale book.

"She is my ex." Jungkook said.

"Why do you still have her stuff in there?" Jimin came off sounding jealous but hoped Jungkook didn't catch that. He just hated the fact Jungkook still held onto things his horrible ex has touched. Jimin opened the thick book and went by each page to make sure there was no markings on it.

"Well as I mentioned before... I don't like being alone and having things in a room like someone lives there makes me feel more safe. But her personal things aren't there.. Only the furnishings and decorations I got for her room... She kept all of her things."

"Fine..." Jimin replied quietly not paying Jungkook any mind and kept flipping through the book of Children folktales. Jimin thought Jungkook had a weird taste in books... This young man reads to children and reads children books on his own too?

Jungkook tilted his head and gently placed his hand on the book moving it down to catch Jimin's attention. "Is there a problem, Jimin? It almost seems like... You sound jealous~"

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