xliii. tricked tips & blackmail

Start from the beginning

She looked down at Oliver as he lowered his head but pulled him up.

"No, no sir, no time for dilly dallying," she whispered into his ear before using her feet to pull down him pants until she let him do the rest.

"Someone's eager."

She smirked and weakly pulled his mouth to hers and he pulled her panty off.

"Me, I'm eager, it's definitely me-"

Her rambles were cut off his kiss.


"I'm just going to the yard Oliver." She

"Yeah but I have to go to my office to close the deal you started with the charity-"

"Exactly, you can't kept missing work to watch me eat a jar of Nutella and kiss me." She smiled as she slowly pulled herself from the bed.

He looked up her seeing her naked body slip his shirt on.

He frowned uncertain, "what if-"

"Oliver, there's only so much you can do." She walked over to him putting her soft hand on his cheek feeling the stubble growing on his cheek, "I'll be fine. Just call Thea over if she's not busy and I'll stay with her."

"But what if-"

"Oliver honey." She smiled at him lovingly before she lowered her mouth to his kissing him repeatedly until his pout morphed into a smirk.

"Alright alright, fine, it's not like you could do much with Barry."


Location: Antartica

"Barry! Watch out for the penguins!" Caitlin yelled after Barry through his intercom.

"I am, they just keep following me."

"Barry, just get the minerals and get back, even you can't handle being in this cold of water without dying, that's why I stayed in Central City. You don't want to get Queen mad."

"Yeah! What's up with him? He's been acting like someone shoved a stick in his-"


"Sorry," Cisco turned to Caitlin.

"Go back to the shed and finish the vile."

Cisco nodded as started chewing a stick of jerky before going back to his job. Caitlin sighed and remember that Barry was on the line and answered him.

"You see Lily, she's dying-"

"It's been four days since she was infected, we're just finishing up with cure and that's only because we had four geniuses working on it. Oliver will never let us cut into her; we're never going to truly understand the circumstances of her body...Barry move south.... "

"Well were going to save her."

There was a long silence as if they were both realizing that their new friends fate, if a cure for her wasn't made quick enough, would be that Oliver would have to be pressured into killing her.


"Just get the mineral Barry."


Lilith put her clothes on moving slowly to be weary of her sore legs.

"Sorry about that." Oliver whispered coming up behind her to hold her waist.

"Believe me. It's okay." She turned around to pinch his cheeks. She went up to kiss his lips. He moved his head teasing her.

"You haven't brushed your teeth."

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