VIII. Targets & Daisies

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VIII. Targets & Daisies

"The Arrow just apprehended Lucas Hawk who was holding hundreds of women from Sudan against their will in an abandoned Star City sewer line for sex trafficking. The women were missing from their home village since infancy, to anyone who claims The Arrow isn't a hero, explain this."

Another news personality spoke up, "He thinks he's above the law, the Star City police force are here for a reason--"

"Oh bullshit Greg, where were the police force when those girls were being raped, beaten, and starved. The force thought those girls were as good as dead."

"That doesn't mean some maniac can dress up in his Robinhood custom and start prancing around impaling folks with his arrows."

"But if those girls hadn't been on his radar, who knew how many could have been killed, most of those girls were just teenagers, Now they get to go home to their families. It doesn't matter what I say, does it?"

"The Arrow is a terrorist--"

"You know what, this is my show, and if you're watching Arrow, Star City thanks you."

I looked at the television, "The Arrow."

It seems I've got a person in Star City whose about to be on my radar. He seemed good enough, as long as he stayed out of Violets way, everything was going great with my mission. I was already done with my tasks for the day, it was some difficult stuff, he was obviously testing me, but if I wasn't Lilith Logan, I wouldn't be able to do it. But I was so I could.

After revising my conclusions of his proposition to the Chinese corp coming by later today I walked up to his office, it was almost four so he should have still been in his office. I was about to knock when I heard a voice inside.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea Oliver? You saw her early what if--''

"I've taken precautions Dig, I've just got to hope this works out."

"Is it worth it? Is she really worth it?"

"You've seen her Dig, she's very good for the company, I can't be selfish."

Diggle scoffed.

I knocked on the door realizing I was eavesdropping.

"Come in." And I entered to room with a jolly smile on my face.

"Everything you asked has been done and revised and I've edited your mandarin for the lunch with the Chinese tonight."

"Wow Violet, that was very fast, you've out done yourself, but something's come up and I have to take my leave now, we have to reschedule the meeting for tomorrow afternoon, I will need you to come with, this is a formal lunch, Diggle as my bodyguard will be joining us."

"I thought Diggle was you black driver."

Oliver rolled his eyes, "you've got to stop telling people that Dig. You know she didn't mean to say it like that." Oliver whispered to Dig.

"Ollie is this your black driver? What happened to that Asian one?" Dig said a whiny high pitched voice that I immediately coined as Laurel.

"Erm, anyways, you can leave early today, there really isn't anything for you to do."

"Good, Thea has been bugging me to meet Roy all yesterday."

"You're going by her place now?"

"Why? Were you going to as well?"

"Yeah actually, wanna bike there together?"

"Yeah sure."

"What about me?" Diggle as jogging being us.

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