xli. swirled tips & crimson ends

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xli.swirled tips & crimson ends

"You're going to have to kill me." Those were the first words to leave her mouth as she woke up to see Oliver standing over her. He hadn't slept in days, he'd take little naps but he just couldn't function knowing his love was hurt.

"What? Why would you say that?"I

"You put that magic herb on your shoulder after I stabbed you didn't you? So I wouldn't feel like crap about it when I woke up-"

"Lilith, no ones going to kill you." Oliver dismissed the thought interlocking their fingers and feeling her hot skin on his.

"Oliver, I feel the serum in me, I can feel my metabolism eating it away, I say I have a week left in me before that side of me comes out again." Tears threatened to slip down her face, "it's latched onto Violet, not me. I can barely hear her anymore, she's fighting with whatever that thing is inside of me, but even she doesn't have a solution."

Oliver quickly pulled Lily into his arms, "I just got you, y-you're the love of my life, it's you... I can't, no, I won't be the reason you die."

"It's not your fault Oliver, not everything is your fault baby." She raised her cold palm to lay in his scuffled beard that was growing in.

"Yes it is, Slade is only like this because-"

"On the island a man named Ivo made you choose between Sara or Shado but you jumped infront of Sara; that doesn't make you a bad person Oliver. If there was a gun pointed to you or Ray, I'd jump infront of you, if that was my only choice. That doesn't mean I don't love Ray, it just means I'm human. You're human Oliver."

"It's not that, I had a chance to save Slade with the cure, but instead I chose to put an arrow in his eye."

He looked away ashamed.

"Is there another cure?"

"No I wouldn't even be able to know where to start."

"I might." She jumped up, "the best scientific department ironically enough is S.T.A.R. Labs, is there any way I justcould  get inside there?"

"Yeah, I have a friend that works there. Barry."

"Perfect. Take me there now."

"Now? Lilith you just woke up."

"Oliver, before I die-"


"No Oliver, I know how this plays out, so before I die, I need to know that Slade can never hurt you, and since killing him isn't the way, at least at human strength you can arrest him or have A.R.G.U.S. take care of him."

Oliver lifted her into his arms and made her look him in the eyes, "Lilith Logan, you're not dying. I put my life on it."

She squinted and wiped her nose looking away, too soft to tell him that she was probably dead the moment she started her vendetta against Slade.

After Oliver helped a weak Lilith clean up and dress they both realized that she didn't have her powers. She was no longer the woman of steel.

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