Out of This World {Harry}

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You're walking through the Court Yard when you feel sprinkles begin to fall on you. You frown and look up at the dark clouds gathering overhead. You notice that several other students are beginning to sprint for cover, some with parchment flying out of their bag in their haste.

You narrow your eyes at the foreboding cloud and concentrate. Right before your eyes, the clouds dissipate along with the rain. You smile in triumph as you continue to walk in the now-beautiful afternoon air. You notice some kids are staring at you oddly, obviously have realized what you had just done. One person even yells a thanks at you although you have no idea who it was.

Some of the student populace fear your "unnatural power" and give you rude looks accordingly, but some surprisingly think it's cool to have these powers. You smile to yourself as you think of some of the instances where people have actually stood up for you against assholes. Sometimes you lose faith in humanity, but there are rare moments that you experience happiness for being able to watch them develop as a species.

You glance down at your watch and curse under your breath. You shift your bag more securely on your shoulder before beginning to speed walk towards the dungeons for your Potions lecture that starts in seven minutes. You step through the threshold right as the bell rings.

You sigh in relief as you scan the Potions seats. You normally sit next to that Neville kid, but a Hufflepuff has taken your place today. There are two more seats open: one next to a boy that you have seen him pick his nose innumerable times or next to the famous Harry Potter. You debate for a moment: share a table with a nose picker or an attractive male human? You sigh as you realize it was stupid to even debate.

You sit in the seat and set your bag on the floor. As you lean back up, you lock eyes with Harry. You two smile awkwardly at one another. You hear the door click behind you. You turn to see a flourish of black robes moving swiftly towards the front of the room. The swiftly moving black cloth turns to reveal Professor Snape.

He eyes the entire class before drawling, "The lesson today is for you to write an essay pertaining to the Draught of Living Death. Once you are finished, place it on my desk and leave. Begin."

And with another flourish of his robes, he sits behind his desk. He eyes the class as students begin to pull out parchments, quills, and inkwells. You bend and grab your bag from the floor. You pull out your parchment and shift things around to attempt to search for your quill. Your hand brushes against the feather and begin to tug. You hear a snap, which causes you to look at the ceiling and pray to Merlin that you didn't do what you think you just did. You lightly pull the quill out and huff angrily at yourself. There in your hand lies the last quill you own snapped in half with ink staining your hand. You close your eyes and grit your teeth at your luck.

"You can have one of mine," Harry says quietly to you.

You open your eyes and they lock with his emerald ones gazing at you earnestly.

"What?" you murmur back.

He holds out his hand which contains a spare quill.

"You can have this one," he repeats.

You glance between the quill and his eyes sparkling with sincerity as you reach your hand out for the quill. Before your thank you even reaches your lips, Professor Snape begins to speak at his desk. You startle and drop your hand, as if you had been caught doing something wrong.

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