Annoyed in Love {Harry}

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You're sitting in the Common Room with your best friends, the Golden Trio. You and Hermione are reading while Harry and Ron are talking and playing Exploding Snap loudly. You try to ignore them, but you end up snapping at them.

"Can't two people read without you two being obnoxious?!"

They both turn to glance at you, glance at each other, and burst out laughing. You growl and return back to your book.

Ron whispers something in Harry's ear and both boys laugh loudly.

You snap, "Harold!" while Mione snaps, "Ronald!"

They snap their heads in your direction. Harry scoffs at you.

"Harold? Really?"

"I could call you a lot worse. Now be quiet."

He smirks.

"But I'm the Chosen One."

"And you've been chosen to shut your trap!"

You lift your book back up and find your place.

You hear Ron exclaim, "I can't believe you won!" before Harry jumps up and starts yelling in victory.

"Harold James Potter, I said to shut it!"

He stops his victory dance.

"But I'm the Boy Who Lived."

"Not for much longer if you don't shut up!"

You lose yourself into the story when Ron starts guffawing on the couch next to Harry. You slam your book shut and stand. Both boys look at you, terrified for their lives.

You glance at them before you grit out to Mione, "I'm going to take a walk before I use the Avada Kedavra on Harold."

She nods as you stomp away. You make sure to slam the potrait hole shut.

You wouldn't be so angry if you weren't reading (favorite book). You love this book so much and the boys were being obnoxious right at (favorite book's plot twist)! Gah!

You end up stomping to the Courtyard. You use Wingardium Leviosa to levitate yourself and your book into the tree that Malfoy insulted Harry in during Fourth Year. There you continued the epic story of (favorite book).

You're interrupted by a cough. You look around and notice it's dark. You hear the cough again and look down. You scowl.

"I'm not in the mood, Harold."

"I know. Can I come up?"

"If you have to."

He climbs the tree lithely. Alrighty then. . .

"I'm sorry about earlier. I forgot that you feel like Hermione does about reading."

"Yeah, but Mione and I read completely different things."


You roll your eyes.

"Yes. There are different types of books, Harry."

"So, what's the difference between yours and Hermione's reading style?"

"I read fiction, which is completely made up. Mione reads non-fiction, which is stories that have happened."



"So what's your book about?"

You chuckle.

"Fangirl/Fanboy lesson #1: Never ask a fangirl/fanboy what they are reading."

He rolls his eyes.

"Just tell me."

You smile and launch into the world of (favorite book) and (main character)'s life and issues. Harry listens intently and smiles occasionally.

At the end of your little fangirl/fanboy rant, he smiles.

"You're cute when you fangirl/fanboy. You get so passionate about reading."

You ignore the first comment.

"Well, I get to enter another life and live. It's an amazing experience. I live through someone else. I become them. They become a part of me."

"Your eyes light up when you talk about (favorite character)."

"Of course they do. I've fallen in love with them."

"But they're not real."

"Yes they are," you shriek.

He raises his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay. Calm down."

"Fangirl/Fanboy lesson #2: Never tell them the characters aren't real."

"I'll keep that in mind. Now why did you 'fall in love' with them?"

You launch into another rant about (favorite character). You shrug.

"That's why."

"I see. I think I'd be a better significant other."

You laugh.

"Ha. That was funny."

"I was serious."

"Do tell me why you think this ridiculous thought."

"Because I'm real."

You growl at him warningly.

"Because I can touch you."

He lightly strokes the side of your face.

"Because I can hold your hand."

He grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together.

"I can hug you."

He hugs you with his free arm.

"I can hold you."

He wraps his arm around your shoulder and holds you there.

"I can kiss you."

He leans in and his minty breath fans across your face. He slowly leans in closer and connects your lips together.

Your breath hitches in your throat. This sensation is absolutely amazing. Now you realize why some people fanboy and fangirl over him.

He pulls away and cups your face with his hand and his thumb lightly strokes your cheekbone.

"And I can ask you to be my significant other."

He looks at you expectantly.

"Yes," you breathe.

His grin that overcomes his face is beautiful and you can't help but match it.

"We're my OTP."

He furrows his eyebrows together.


"Nevermind Harry."

You laugh and hold your boyfriend closer.

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