Love Potions and Other Tricks {Sirius}{James}{Remus}

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Requested by @LilySelenaGreyback.

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You're heading towards the Great Hall for dinner when the Marauders pass you. They're laughing quite loudly and those laughs make your heart flutter.

As they pass, Peter lags behind. He grabs your hand. Normally you'd hit him for such an idiotic move, but you feel a piece of paper shoved between your palm and his.

"Your nails are really nice Y/N."

"Thanks. I grew them myself."

He chuckles, lets go of your hand, and joins the Marauders again. You wait until they're a safe distance away until you read the crumpled paper in your hand.

"Meet me in the Potion's room tonight at midnight. Don't be late."

You furrow your eyebrows together. Why in the hell is Peter inviting you to the Potion's room at midnight?


You creep down the dungeon hallway and into the empty the Potion's room. There's a cauldron heating up ingredients being stirred by Peter.

"Y/N, you're here."

"Good observation. What's that?"

He has a huge smile on his face.

"Come and see for yourself."

You step over to the bubbling cauldron. You don't recognize the potion. You notice the Potion book still lying open and gape at it.

"You're doing a love potion? Peter, we've been warned how dangerous these are!"

He frowns at your reaction.

"Not if you do it right, which I've done."

"But it's still dangerous to mess with people like this. Who are you trying to make fall in love with you anyways?"

His goofy smile returns.

"Oh, it's not for me."

"Then who is it for?"

"Give me a piece of your hair."

"Excuse me?"

"I need a piece of your hair."

"Why? Why would you- oh my gods. The potion is for me?" You screech.

He claps his hands together.

"Yes! I've seen how you look at James, Sirius, and Remus. And I've also heard how they enjoy your quick quips. And I think all four of you could benefit from this potion."

"B-but.... what? Do you already have their hairs?"

He lifts a jar with three hairs.

"I have to add yours first so that all three of them fall in love with you. If I add them all at once, they'd fall in love with each other also and I'd rather not have to listen to gay sex all night."

You take a step back.

"You shouldn't do something like this without their consent, Peter. That's wrong."

He sighs.

"Honestly, I thought you would love this idea."

"You thought I would love taking away their will to make them love me? You thought wrong."

He takes out his wand. Before you can pull our your wand, he says, "Expelliarmas," making your wand fly from your pocket. You take a step back.

"Don't do this to me, please. Just don't."

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