Ruins of the Heart {Harry}

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Requested by @amvasp. Thanks for requesting! ♡

You're running through the castle, dodging the spells aimed at you. The Death Eaters had already invaded the castle. The battle had begun.

You're currently searching for your boyfriend, Harry. It's ridiculous that you're worried for him, I mean he is the Boy Who Lived, but you can't help it. What if he were to somehow die?!

Before the battle had even begun, Harry had pulled you aside. He told you that he loved you and kissed you as if it was his last. The desperation of that kiss has stuck with you.

You search frantically for the raven-haired boy. You finally find him. . . With your best friend F/N (friend's name). Great. They're both still alive!

As you start to walk over, you see Harry grab F/N by the neck. He jerks them to him and kisses them. What the hell?!

You meant to stay quiet, but a squeak comes out of your mouth. F/N pushes Harry off of them and wipes their mouth with the back of their hand. Both turn to see you. Harry has panic written all over his face while F/N looks guilty.

"How could you? I loved you Harry!"

Both Harry and F/N look as if they are about to say something before both of their faces look horrified.

"Avada Kedavra!"

You turn and your eyes meet with bright green light before your world turns black.

*******F/N's POV*******

I watch in horror as Y/N's body hits the floor with a deadening thud. I see Harry move out of the corner out of my eye. My horror quickly turns into anger. I turn and shove him hard. He stumbles and falls right on his arse.

"How could you cheat on them?! With me of all people?! They trusted you, they loved you, you jackass! They died thinking I was in on it too!"

He sits there and doesn't say a single word. He refuses to look me in the face.

"Harold James Potter, never speak to me again. I hope you die today. Actually, I hope you live and live with the guilt for the rest of your life."

I walk away, not regretting a word I said. All I can think about is the hurt on their face when she saw that scumbag kiss me. Then the thud of their dead body hitting the floor.

Tears start to flow freely down my face. I just watched my best friend die. And the worst part is, they probably hated me before that curse hit them because of their jackass of a boyfriend.

Harry will rue the day he decided to cheat on my best friend. He will regret it immensely.

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