Handsome Devil {George}

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Requested by LauraDeadAngelo.

You're sitting in the library studying for an exam. Your papers are spread across the table and your textbook is open. Your gaze is solely on the text, hoping to absorb something before the test.

The chair next to you scrapes as it is pulled out. You don't bother to look up from your concentrated study. You feel someone poke your cheek. You glance over to see a freckled ginger.

"Knock it off, George."

He doesn't reply, but stops poking you. A few moments later, there is a finger on your face once again.

"Sodd off," you growl.

"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me attention."

"You're not going to get the attention that you want if you don't keep your fingers to yourself."

You shift your attention from the pesky boy next to you back to your papers. You sift through your papers to put them in the order that you need them. This is done in silence, as is the start of him touching your face again.

"Oh my Merlin! Would you just fuck off?"

"Tut tut tut Y/N. Swearing is unattractive."

"I'm not attractive anyways, so fuck off Weasley."

"That's a matter of opinion."

"Well, your opinion is shit, so..."

He puts his hand over his heart in mock admiration.

"I think you just won my affection. Oh yes, my heart is yours."

You stick your tongue out at him.

"You've got a lovely tongue," he says as his eyes glaze over.

His eyes stay glued to your tongue, which you still haven't pulled back into your mouth.

"Why don't you show me exactly what you can do with it?"

"Excuse me?"

His head darts down and attaches his lips to yours. Your lips part in a gasp. He takes this opportunity to dart his tongue into your mouth. As your lips start to mold to his, he pulls away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't intend to kiss you."

You blink at him with dazed eyes.


"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

Your eyes finally focus on him and his regretful tone.

"Why are you sorry? That was the best damn kiss I've ever had."

He pauses as a smile creeps onto his face.


"Oh yeah."

There is a moment of silence that gives you the opportunity to stare at his pink lips.

"So... Will you kiss me again?"

He laughs quietly before leaning down and molding his lips to yours once again.

Your studying is forgotten as this handsome devil steals your heart and your kisses.

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