Competition Part 2{Prof. Snape}{Dumbledore}

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You choose.

Once you retreat back into your office, you sit in your chair and stare at the wall.

The problem is not who to choose. You've liked Severus for a while now. But Albus is a nice guy and you don't want to hurt him.

You sigh.

Why are choices so hard?


You decide that you have to tell Albus that you choose Severus. You stutter out the password for the Headmaster's staircase. You drag your feet up the stairs with butterflies in your stomach. You quietly knock on his door.

"Please come in," he calls.

You open the door to see him sitting in an arm chair stroking Fawkes. He gestures to the arm chair across from him.

"Y/N, sit my dear."

You shuffle to the chair and sit on the edge.

"What can I do for you Y/N?"

"Well, I appreciate that you have feelings for me, but-"

"You're choosing Severus, aren't you dear?" He interrupts.

You nod your head in affirmation.

"I figured you would. It's alright. Don't worry about me. But I'll always be here if you need me Y/N."

You smile at him, relieved that he understands.

"Thank you Albus."

He smiles.

"You better inform Severus dear."

You immediately leave heeding his advice. After searching the grounds, you find him in his office with a bottle of Firewhiskey open.

"Y/N," he greets as he takes another chug.

"Hi Severus. I have news for you."

"Ah. Have you come to tell me that you've chosen Albus?" He asks bitterly.


"I saw you leaving his office staircase Y/N."

"Severus... are you actually jealous because I was seen leaving his office?"

"So what if I am?"

He slams his glass on the desk. You flinch as the sound echoes in the enclosed space.

"Severus, I choose you. I was telling Albus that."

He looks at you blankly.


"I choose you."

He stares at you unblinking before he comes around the desk and kisses you hungrily.

You're sitting in the Courtyard instead of going to dinner. You can't face anyone right now. As you examine the bark of the Courtyard tree, you contemplate your situation.

Severus has always caught your eye, but later on so did Albus. You enjoy both of their company....


Why are decisions so hard?

You hear someone clear their throat. You turn to see Albus. He smiles warmly at you.

"Y/N, I noticed your absence in the Great Hall and was curious about your lack of appetite."

You sigh.

"Yeah, with recent events, I thought it best to think life over."

"Ah, I see."

He sits on the bench next to you.

"I'm going to give you some friendly advice. If you love 2 men, choose the second. You wouldn't have fallen for the second if you were satisfied with the first."

You think it over as you both sit in silence.

"The second one is you," you whisper.


"The second one is you," you say a little louder.

"Ah, I see. I was just advising you. You don't have to do what I say."

"But it makes sense, so I'm going to heed your advice. I choose you Albus."

He turns and smiles at you. The corners of your mouth rise as you see the twinkle of delight in his blue eyes.

"Marvelous," he says as he takes your hand and intertwines your fingers together. You two sit in comfortable silence and all is well.

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